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Can I Find A Job with My Checkered Past?

One of the life skills you might learn in rehab is how to fill out a job application or interview for a job. While you appreciate the sentiment and the way these actions have improved your self-esteem, you cannot get rid of the fear that doing all of this may be for naught. How areRead More

Monitoring Laughter

We’ve all heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine.” While it definitely holds some truth, there is also a fine line between telling a joke and feeling like one is part of it. Humor is a common coping mechanism, but it is essential to pay attention to the language used in the jokes themselves.Read More

Embrace Positivity

Negative thoughts have plagued us since the beginning of time. If you are in recovery, there’s no doubt you have had negative thoughts that have tried to derail your success. It’s impossible to stop every single negative thought you have, but you can clear the space for more positive thoughts. Working on your self-talk takesRead More

Take a Break

Learning to navigate the space that is recovery can take some getting used to. You can have everything planned out down to a color-coded rubric and still, you will find yourself in a position you hadn’t planned for. Part of why you’re receiving treatment might be because you have a need to control things, whichRead More

Why Is Sponsorship So Valuable?

One of the suggestions you will find to be most beneficial in recovery is picking someone to be your sponsor. At first, you may struggle to wrap your mind around someone being your “sobriety handler.” You may not completely understand what having a sponsor will mean for your sobriety. You may think that adding oneRead More

Preparing for Urges in the Moment

When recovering from addiction, there are many trials that one has to face. Even after going through detox and regularly attending rehabilitation group sessions, urges are not just something that one may experience but should expect. Having these urges does not mean that someone is failing in their recovery, but expecting them can help oneRead More

Using Music During Panic

Experiencing panic is something that encompasses all of the senses. It can lead to a complete unfamiliarity with one’s own surroundings, even when someone is in their own home. The mind begins to seek danger everywhere and will reconstruct a reality that is entirely populated with these dangers regardless of whether they are actually present.Read More

How Will This Summer Be Different Now That You Are Sober?

Every summer for you, up to this point, has included drinking and using on vacations, weekend barbeques, and poolside. After all, isn’t that what summer is all about? When you are trying to recover, however, your summer should be all about, well, staying sober. You can still do all the same activities you had planned.Read More

Trauma Can Be More Than It Seems

Helping someone cope with their traumas can be a complicated task. Even the word “trauma” elicits certain images of horrid devastation and life-threatening events. Natural disasters and war zones typically come to mind, but trauma can be much more than that. In fact, there is a second kind of trauma, spelled with a lowercase “t”Read More