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How to Support Someone Struggling With a Phobia

Supporting a loved one who is struggling with a phobia can be an intense and complicated experience. If you do not struggle with any phobias, you may not understand what your loved one is experiencing or what they may need from you in the form of support. If you know someone struggling with a phobia,Read More

How to Become More Independent

Feeling a sense of independence can boost your self-esteem and overall well-being. Being capable of taking care of yourself can be empowering, especially if that is something that you have struggled with in the past. However, independence can also seem frightening. Taking those first few steps to be on your own can be intimidating. HereRead More

How to Overcome Your Fears

Having fears is not a bad thing. Fear often keeps us safe and helps us make well-thought-out decisions. However, for some people, specific fears can begin to affect daily life. When your fears start to affect your relationships and everyday life, then that is when you may want to look into your fears more closely.Read More

3 Benefits of Online Support Groups

Finding a community that you feel a part of can be amazingly positive for your mental health. Everyone needs to be around people with whom they feel connected and equal. If you are struggling to meet people or join a community, consider some online support groups. One significant benefit of living in such a social-mediaRead More

Working to Overcome Isolation

If you struggle with addiction or a mental health issue, you may have faced moments where you wanted to isolate yourself from other people. You may have tried to isolate yourself for many different reasons. However, it is essential to understand that isolation can be dangerous. Overcoming your desire to isolate is a skill thatRead More

4 Ways to Practice Self-Care

Everyone needs to practice self-care. For some people, practicing self-care comes naturally and does not require any extra thought or attention. For others, self-care is something that needs to be acknowledged and mindfully completed. Self-care will look different for everyone. Take time to explore what works best for you and your mental health. Here areRead More

Living With Someone Experiencing Addiction

Living with someone struggling with their mental health or addiction can be challenging and stressful. Managing your own health is critical as you try to help and support a loved one or family member with a mental health issue or an addiction. Know that you are not alone and that you have support as well.Read More

How to Let Go of Control

Do you always feel a need to be in control? For some, the need to feel in control can affect everything from employment to relationships. Learning to let go of control can seem frightening and even overwhelming. Working with a mental health professional can help you better understand the need to be in control andRead More

Do My Relationships Affect My Mental Health?

As humans, we seek connection from various people, whether through romantic partners, friends, or family members. Relationships are an important part of life and can affect your mental health both positively and negatively. So, how do relationships affect mental health? Relationships Improve Health Relationships can help with both physical and mental health. According to HarvardRead More

How to Open Up About Your OCD

Opening up about your mental health can be a frightening and overwhelming task. You might be frightened that you will be judged, labeled, or even disliked because of the diagnosis you have. Learning to open up to your loved ones about what you are experiencing will help you journey through recovery. Having people around youRead More