Dual diagnoses such as avoidant personality disorder (APD) and substance used disorder (SUD) are quite common; in fact, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), dual diagnoses affect nearly 7.9 million people in the United States each year. Having both APD and a SUD can make treatment somewhat difficult, as symptoms of each my clash together. Ultimately, it’s important that you seek out a reputable treatment center with specialization in treating dual diagnoses – not doing this could mean that you only get treated for one or the other, which could exacerbate your symptoms.
APD is characterized by extreme shyness, feelings of inadequacy and hyper sensitivity to rejection. In sum, those with APD may fear criticism, ridicule, embarrassment, meeting and getting to know new people, rejection, and more. For some, substance abuse stems for self-medication – some individuals with APD may feel that when they use substances, their “nerves” or overall anxiety goes down. While this may seem to be a temporary fix, it doesn’t directly treat the symptoms at hand. This is when treatment is crucial.
A 2015 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology sought to explore crucial factors of treatment for individuals with APD and SUD. The following are some highly regarded suggestions:
- Detoxification
- Appropriate bonding in therapy between client and therapist as to develop trust
- Fostering of awareness, emotions, and triggers
- Discussion of previous interpersonal encounters and outcomes, along with thought processes that influenced those outcomes
- Exploring the link between recent and/or traumatic interpersonal events and substance abuse
- Distancing from inappropriate and unproductive responses to challenging emotions, thoughts, or situations
- Promoting the use of adaptive coping skills for a variety of instances
Treatment for APD and SUDs typically involve medication and psychotherapy, which is often done at both the individual and group level (to aid in social skill development). If you’ve been struggling with each of these disorders, speak with a professional from a reputable treatment center today to learn more about treatment options for your needs. There are many resources that can help you develop the skills you need to adapt to everyday life.
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