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Relapse can be a very scary and dangerous thing. Most people in recovery fear suffering a relapse. If you have experienced a relapse, you may be feeling defeated, scared, and ashamed. Working through those feelings and getting back on track with your goals is a process.

Everyone is on a unique recovery path, so your relapse recovery could look different than what you have seen someone else go through. Do not worry if you feel as if you are experiencing things differently. Just because you have relapsed does not mean that you have failed or that your recovery no longer means anything. Relapse is a part of recovery for many people. As you process your relapse recovery, here are a few different suggestions on how to bounce back.

Replace “All Or Nothing” Thoughts

All or nothing thoughts can be dangerous. By thinking this way, you may view your recovery as over or a failure because of your relapse. That is simply not the case. For many, relapse is part of recovery. Think of your recovery as a life-long process that is filled with highs and lows and is ever-changing. Your recovery does not need to fit any sort of mold or pattern for it to be healthy and successful.

Spend Time Meditating

Do activities that help you to find your center and recharge. For some, meditation can be very useful after something like a relapse. Experiencing a relapse has the power to throw off your center and rob you of your confidence and self-worth.

Understanding what you are feeling and then being able to work through those feelings is the key to bouncing back. You cannot bounce back until you process what you are feeling. Consider meditating to help you find your center and really explore what you are feeling. Talk with your therapist about those feelings and begin to better understand what happened that led to the relapse.

Connect With Your Therapist

Connecting with your therapist right away after a relapse is important. Being able to talk with your therapist about the events that led up to the relapse and the emotions and feelings you were experiencing at the time is crucial in learning how to respond in a different way the next time you are faced with similar circumstances.

Do not wait to connect with a therapist until something negative happens, such as a relapse. When you leave treatment and enter back into society, you should consider immediately setting up routine mental health care. By doing this, you will connect further with your therapist. They will understand your journey and your struggles. If you experience a relapse, they will be right there by your side, already knowing you and knowing what you are working towards.

Assess Goals

If you have experienced a relapse, consider spending time assessing your goals and whether or not they still fit with what you want to be working towards. How do you plan to get back on track with your goals? Do you need to create smaller goals underneath your current goals?

Goals are great because they give you direction. Goals give you something to focus on and strive for. After a relapse, try to take a moment to find your center. After that, concentrate on your goals so that you can get moving in the right direction again.

Consider Triggers

How did your triggers impact your relapse? What was the specific trigger that led to the relapse? Do you understand what really happened?

Your triggers will change with time. Stay mindful and continue learning skills and tools to respond to triggers in a healthy manner. If you did not respond the way you want to be able to respond, that is okay. Work with your therapist to continue learning and growing.

Give Yourself a Break

You are your own harshest critic. It can be easy after relapse to become consumed with shame and begin to isolate. Work through that shame. There is nothing shameful about relapse. Your journey is wonderful;  try to embrace every part of it. Isolation can often be dangerous, and it is not what you should consider doing after a relapse. Surround yourself with love and support.

Give yourself a break. Treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. You would be loving and compassionate to another person in your situation. Why treat yourself any differently? Take some time to do what you love. Go read that book or take that hike. Doing activities that you enjoy will help you work on your mental health and overall well-being.

Relapse can be frightening. It is something that you have probably worked extremely hard to avoid. However, if it does happen, learning to bounce back is the key to moving forward in your recovery and getting back on track. Consider your triggers and what exactly happened that led to the relapse. Focus on your goals and work to continue a positive mindset. Many find it beneficial to practice calming activities such as meditation to reflect and focus. Finding your center and recharging will help you to begin the work of your journey again. Connecting with your therapist after a relapse is essential. They can help you to better understand what happened and help you to work through your feelings. Here at The Guest House, we are trained to help our clients process their relapse and work to get back on track with their goals. Call us today at (855) 483-7800 to learn more about our treatment options.