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5 Ways to Practice an Attitude of Gratitude as an Alumnus

A sense of gratitude helps you show appreciation for the kindness of others. Living with the emotionally distressing side effects of substance use disorder (SUD) may make it difficult for you to recognize and express gratitude. However, practicing an attitude of gratitude can significantly improve your mental health. According to the National Institutes of HealthRead More

4 Ways to Change Your Mindset as an Alumnus

Values and attitudes make up your mindset. Learning ways to change your mindset may help you navigate around life’s obstacles. During treatment, you had to learn to change how you thought about yourself and all the things you’ve been through. Now that you are in recovery, the goal is to continue manifesting positive thoughts aboutRead More

4 Ways to Practice Showing Appreciation to Others as an Alumnus

As you reflect, you may realize that many people have guided you along your path. Perhaps you remember when you first entered treatment and struggled to breathe a breath of sobriety. You may remember a person who made a difference during that time. Maybe you have one person for whom you feel grateful now thatRead More

4 Ways to Control Emotions as an Alumnus

Emotions can have a powerful effect on your life and your choices. During treatment, you likely learned how your emotions can influence your substance use. Instead of turning to substances, you discovered how to use healthy coping skills to deal with your emotions. Like a compass, your emotions can guide you in the right direction.Read More

How Can I Celebrate National Recovery Month as an Alumnus?

September is National Recovery Month. This month is dedicated to people worldwide who continue to fight the good fight, one day at a time. It does not matter if you have been in recovery for one day or 20 years. September is your month to celebrate all the accomplishments you have experienced thus far. YourRead More

The Importance of Alumni Groups in Recovery

Completing treatment is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations on starting the next step of your journey. You’re one step closer to being the person you have always wanted to be. Now that you are ready for the next chapter to begin, alumni groups are a great way to continue to gain the understanding and support thatRead More

How to Practice Self-Exploration as an Alumni

Seeking self-understanding is essential during the journey of recovery. You will be amazed at your growth if you take several moments to think of how far you have come in your recovery. Self-exploration as an alumni will provide many benefits and provide greater fulfillment in recovery. There are many ways to practice self-exploration. However, thisRead More

Living in a Social Media World as an Alumnus

No matter where you look, someone is on their phone. Social media is an integral part of the modern world. While these platforms offer unlimited connections, those in recovery may notice some pitfalls related to using them. The social media world is neither good nor bad, but it can be cause for concern during recovery.Read More

Exploring the Benefits of the Alumni Program at The Guest House

Addiction is a disease that causes you to feel like you are alone and that no one understands what you are going through. However, many people have walked the path before you and can offer guidance and support. At The Guest House, our alumni program consists of a group of people who continue to helpRead More

4 Strategies to Minimize Alcohol Cravings as an Alumnus

It is easy to minimize the dangers of daily alcohol consumption. After all, alcohol is legal; can it really be that bad for you? The answer is yes. Just because a substance is legal does not mean that it’s healthy and without risk. Everyone’s body is different and each person handles alcohol in their uniqueRead More