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Healing Thoughts in Recovery

When someone is faced with an illness or surgery, others are quick to say, “Sending thoughts of healing.” This is no different than what you are facing in your recovery. Throughout treatment, you were encouraged to identify people, places, and things that triggered your desire to use substances. Another primary trigger is your thought process and how you view the world around you. Identifying and practicing healing thoughts can change your daily world. This article will take you on a journey to explore healing thoughts and helpful tips to continue to use throughout your recovery.

What Is a Healing Thought?

Success in recovery comes from a balance within yourself: mind, body, soul, and spirit. Your mind plays an important role in how your body will heal from substance abuse. A healing thought sparks positivity in your life and creates hope throughout your body.

At times, it is easy to forget how powerful your body is. Everyone is presented with challenges throughout their lives, no matter how big or small. However, everyone has a choice in how they respond to them. Your response is what makes all the difference in your recovery. Working on healing your thoughts is just as important as other aspects of your recovery.

A relapse is more likely to occur when you hate who you are. However, spending time with yourself and your thought processes can help your recovery. This can be done with an individual therapist who can guide you to change your thoughts through several forms of therapy.

Why Is It Important to Be Aware of My Thoughts?

Every thought that you think is sending a frequency into the universe. Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you think?” That is exactly correct. If you think negatively and “nothing ever works out” for you, that is exactly what will happen. This is why it is important to be positive and think in terms of positivity. Every part of your body is interconnected, and all facets must be in alignment to create a healthy whole.

Multiple research studies have concluded that affirmations can be healing to your thoughts. One research study reported that self-affirmations help people become motivated to maintain a positive self-view. This means that with positive affirmations, you can change how you view your life. In turn, this creates healing thoughts. You have the power to change your life through thinking healing thoughts.

How Do I Start Thinking Healing Thoughts?

You can start at this very moment. Take an inventory of the thoughts that are repetitive within your mind. Perhaps you find yourself second-guessing everything that you want to do or be in your life.

For example, you wake up thinking that you do not want to deal with people today. Life is too hard, and you feel like you are not good enough. Many people are controlled by limiting beliefs within recovery. The good news is that you can change these limiting beliefs through healing thoughts.

You can start healing thoughts by journaling your feelings about yourself. Change each negative thought into a positive thought. For example, “I am not good enough for the job that I want.” The positive thought could be, “I am enough for the job that is coming my way.” Do you see the difference in wording and the feeling that comes with the difference?

This is just the start of healing thoughts. You can turn any thought around to promote a space of peace and comfort in your life. Only you have the power to change your life. Nothing can take your power unless you permit it. Don’t give your thoughts permission.

Helpful Tips for Healing Thoughts

In all things you explore within your life, you must figure out where the negativity comes from. What are your beliefs about yourself and where you are in your life? Remember, healing thoughts start with your brain and belief system. The following are several tips to start your journey of healing thoughts:

Practice Journaling

Sometimes it can be frustrating not knowing where to start to change. Spending several minutes each morning journaling your thoughts and feelings can make a world of difference. You may not be able to see patterns of thoughts if you do not write them down.

Foster Accountability

Tell a trusted source what you are trying to change and hold yourself accountable. You may not even realize negative thoughts until they come out of your mouth. Accountability can help you be a better version of yourself.

Utilize Mindfulness

Practice being in the moment. Research shows that self-acceptance and non-judgment of present moments lead to behavior change. By practicing mindfulness, you can easily change your negative thought processes.

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude, even for the small things, changes the way you think. For example, if the first thing that comes from your lips is something that you are grateful for, that will change the sequence of your day. Go ahead and try it. You will be surprised as to how this can be a healing thought.

Wrap Up With a Healing Thought

You have been through a lot in your life. It is time to give yourself some credit and allow the process of healing to occur with your thoughts. You have overcome immense things and continue to work on yourself. No one said this life would be easy. However, you can use healing thoughts to cultivate the best life you could have ever imagined. You deserve much more than you give yourself credit for. What will be your healing thought today?

Changing your thought process can be difficult. You may have been experiencing negative thoughts for some time now. It is time for you to take your recovery journey one step further and change your thought processes. Healing thoughts can have a significant impact on your mind, body, soul, and spirit. All you have to do is try. At The Guest House, we understand the difficulties with recovery  Our alumni program can help you connect with like-minded peers who understand the struggles of changing negative thoughts in recovery. You don’t have to go through this journey alone. The Guest House is here to help you. Call us today at (855) 483-7800 to learn more.