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Helping Without Hurting

The second that someone realizes that a loved one is in need, whether it be help for addiction, mental health, trauma, or any mental or behavioral issues, it can be tempting to jump right in and try to help immediately. Wait-and-see tactics have their own detriments, but jumping in to try to help without properly educating oneself on the problems can have the opposite of the desired effect. Before jumping into the fray, recognize how one’s actions can be perceived by the afflicted individual. After all, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

Jumping in immediately comes with its own first hurdle. When beginning treatment, a loved one does not want to feel attacked for their condition. Even with the best intentions, making changes without consulting the person who needs help can feel like a practice in assumption. This can make the sufferer feel limited or suffocated. At this point, the caretaker comes off almost antagonistic towards the cause. Beginning a healing relationship like this can hinder the entire process, as well as affect how the person seeks help outside of their caring loved one. So, if one can’t just jump in, what do they do?

Talk it Out

Healing begins with a conversation of legitimate concern. Even if you’re sure you know what’s wrong, never make assumptions. Allow the afflicted person to confirm their struggles before you take any kind of action. Beginning everything with a conversation sets the tone for future interactions involving their unique issues. It gives the person one essential piece of themself that may have been lost in their affliction – a voice. Begin each dialogue with a question and be ready to listen and consider the answer. Each person is in charge of their own recovery, and they need support and guidance, not a direction to be forced in.

Transparency is Key

Setting ground rules for people undergoing recovery may be necessary in some circumstances. In these cases, continue that dialogue and always explain why such measures are set in place. Keep rules and actions transparent, discussing the boundaries beforehand, so there are no surprises for any party involved.

Positivity Yields Results

Set up a rewards system for behaviors that benefit the person in their recovery. Punishing someone for relapsing or falling back into destructive behaviors is another way to paint oneself as an antagonist. Instead, don’t be afraid to reward the good things, no matter how small they may seem. Create the connotation of recovery as a positive thing from the position of support.

Nothing about recovering from addiction, anxiety, depression, trauma, or any other mental health disorders is easy. Each person presents their own challenges from day to day. Specializing in trauma, addiction, and co-occurring disorders, The Guest House is available to help. For information on their available programs and services, each available to be cultivated to match the particular needs and goals of the individual, call 1-855-483-7800 today.