As we’re working to recover, there are certain resources we can take advantage of that can greatly increase our chances of being able to stay sober. Many treatment programs offer recovery coaching, and there are also private coaches you can work with. Similar to addiction counselors and therapists, coaches have experience helping people to recover from their addictions. It can benefit us to work with someone whose experience and expertise are specifically in the realm of addiction recovery, rather than trying to undertake the entire recovery process all on our own. How can recovery coaching help?
Addressing Our Blind Spots
Sometimes when we’ve been struggling with addiction for a long time, we can develop blind spots around our own challenges and weaknesses. We might not be conscious of the issues we’re struggling with that are contributing to and fueling our addictions. We might not be aware of what our emotional needs are, especially the unmet needs that are driving our addictive patterns. For example, we might not have realized that our loneliness and our need for companionship and support are major reasons why we use our drugs of choice as means of comfort and escape. We might not know that we’re trying to distract ourselves from relationship issues using our drugs of choice. Recovery coaches can help us to become more mindful of the things we aren’t conscious of. They can bring certain things to our attention that we hadn’t been aware of. The amount of learning and growth we can experience from working with a coach can be transformative.
Staying On Track
One of our greatest challenges in recovery is keeping ourselves on track with our sobriety goals. Recovery coaches can be our accountability partners. We can check in with them regularly, and they can keep track of our progress, as well as any obstacles we might face. They can help us figure out solutions to any problems that might come up for us. They can help us clear out emotional blocks and limiting beliefs that are hindering our progress. When we aren’t aware of what our blocks, imbalances and detrimental beliefs are, having someone else who is honest, objective and experienced in addiction recovery can help us become more self-aware and empowered in our sobriety. This can make all the difference in staying sober for the long haul.
Are you ready to take the first step on your journey to recovery?
Call The Guest House today! 855-823-5463.