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Emotional abuse can be downright traumatizing. It can have lifelong effects if not worked through, generally with a mental health professional. Often emotional abuse gets glossed over; however, it is just as dangerous and traumatic as physical abuse. As you work through your trauma with a therapist, here are a few tips to keep in mind.


Recognize Healthy Relationships


After being in an abusive relationship, it can be a challenge to be in relationships with others. It is normal to be hesitant when thinking of making a new connection. Being able to recognize a healthy relationship is a valuable skill. Many people want to love and support you. Work towards being in an emotional place where you can trust those people who are genuine. 


Understand That Abuse Can Be a Cycle


Abuse is dangerous. It often comes in cycles, with the abusers acting remorseful after an altercation. If you are in an abusive relationship, know that you are not alone. There is help available. Reaching out for professional help will help you to better understand your mental health issues and how your relationships may be affecting those issues. 


Accept Support From Loved Ones


Many people want to support you. After trauma, accepting love can be complicated and scary. It may feel as if you can’t trust anyone — that is where therapy can help. Recovery can be a long process, where you learn many different things about yourself. Let your loved ones know about your progress and how you are doing. 


Find What Brings You True Joy


Finding what brings you joy can be amazing. Even through our darkest times, we can find relaxation and enjoyment in our favorite things and activities. Try new activities and step outside of your comfort zone. 


Emotional abuse is traumatizing and can have lifelong effects if not worked through. We all react to emotional abuse and trauma differently. Learning what your mind and body need to find comfort and peace should be the ultimate goal. Try to find activities that bring you true happiness. Connect with those who want to support you and help you grow. Here at The Guest House, we know that working through trauma can be scary and overwhelming. We are here to support you through every step of your recovery. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options and how we can support you on your journey at (855) 483-7800.