Recent findings in the Current Opinion in Pediatrics have shown that “breakthroughs and advancements in new age technology have revolutionized the way children communicate” and how “their usage has raised concerns about their role and impact on adolescent development and behavior.” These concerns come in the form of how social media may be creating mental health issues and lasting trauma.
The electronic boom brought about the invention of social media, and, unfortunately, with that comes “cyberbullying.” This particularly insidious form of bullying expands on the potential dangers of social media use.
However, while trauma may occur, that does not mean that the trauma must remain. Many therapies and treatments are available that can help individuals cope with issues that arise from cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying and Its Lasting Effects
According to the Psychiatria Danubina, cyberbullying is defined as any “willful and repeated harm inflicted through computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.” It is a different world that we all live in. Bullying has moved from the classroom to the chatroom.
Cyberbullying may appear to some to be less harmful than traditional bullying because of the lack of physicality. This is a myth. Cyberbullying can actually be more traumatic. The reason for this is while traditional bullying generally stayed on the playground, cyberbullying can infiltrate every facet of a person’s life. With today’s reliance on social media, it can be hard to avoid cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying can lead to trauma and mental health issues such as body image problems, anxiety, and depression. These issues do not have to dominate a person’s life, however. Tools exist that can help to relieve cyberbullying-related trauma.
Recovering From a History of Cyberbullying
Many adolescents today have expressed the idea that “cyberbullying is just a way of life now.” That does not make it okay, however, or any less harmful. Cyberbullying can create post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and should be addressed accordingly.
Many adults can be dismissive of bullying that occurs in childhood. This is unfortunate and wholly unhealthy. We now know that many incidents that were once considered minor actually have cause for concern. Also, they are cause for early detection and treatment.
There can be many options for coping with post-cyberbullying trauma. These options may include individual or group therapy. They may include a regimen of yoga and meditative breathwork. They may even be treated with something like neurofeedback or brain mapping.
Whatever the treatment may be, it is important to remember that no one knows your trauma as you do. Do not let other people diminish how you feel. Please remember that there is a world out there beyond cyberbullying. Stay strong.
Cyberbullying can be scary, but it does not have to feel like “a way of life.” Please know that you do not have to live with the lasting effects of cyberbullying. Many tools and treatments are at your disposal. There are ways of getting past the way you are feeling right now. There are people who want you to succeed and live a healthy and happy life. The Guest House is here for you. For more information, please call (855) 483-7800.