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Spirituality is a component of recovery that can or cannot be incorporated. Some organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) promote connection to a Higher Power through 12 steps that all participants must actively work towards. Other places, such as SMART Recovery, focuses on cognitive behavioral approaches. No matter whether you identify with a spiritual element or not, it can have an impact on your recovery. One of the best parts about spirituality is that it does not necessary have to include God specifically – in fact, many people consider themselves spiritual as they believe in being good to others, in doing the right thing, and more. Overall, spirituality is subjective, and each of us may define it to what is means for us.

A 2017 study titled, “Posttraumatic Growth and Recovery from Addiction” sought to explore the positive changes in 104 individuals who were formerly addicted to substances. The researchers identified this as posttraumatic growth, which means, “A positive psychological change experienced as a result of adversity and other challenges in order to rise to a higher level of functioning.”

Ultimately, researchers from the study found two common themes associated with posttraumatic growth: spirituality and meaning-making. For many participants, spirituality was derived from 12-step support groups such as AA, while meaning-making provided individuals with a clear understanding of their experiences. As participants were able to spend much of their recovery time learning about how their past has influenced them, they were able to take positive action to correct it.

The journey to discovering spirituality in your life is incredibly personal. Only you can decide what you believe in, what you find hope in, and how your spiritual life looks. Being in recovery from addiction does not have to mean having a spirituality, but spirituality has made a life-changing, life-saving difference for millions of people around the world. For many people, spirituality helps build hope for the future and safety in the present. For others, more practical tools such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) work best. Ultimately, the choice is yours – what’s most important is that you are taking steps each day towards your health and ultimately, your well-being.

You have a choice, right now, to change your life. All it takes is one moment to pick up the phone and ask for help if you are suffering with traumas, addictions, or any related issues. Everyone has a story before they come to treatment. We welcome you with open arms to The Guest House Ocala where we offer private residential programming for trauma. Call us today for information: 855-483-7800