Wearing a helmet is important. The skull acts like a helmet around our brain, which is a soft, squishy muscle essentially sloshing around in a bunch of liquid. Our skulls can be broken or penetrated. As well, when we hit our skull, we don’t stabilize our brain. Meaning, our brain goes sliding around our skull, bashing into the sides of it. Concussions happen when we’ve hit our skulls too hard, meaning we’ve hit our brains against the inside of our skull too hard. Hitting our brain against our skull bruises our brain and can cause long lasting damage. For example, athletes in high impact sports like football are vulnerable to TBI, traumatic brain injury, which develops as a result of chronic concussions.
Physical injury to the brain can happen in other ways, a new study finds which examined scar
tissue in the brains of veterans with PTSD. A 60 Minutes special aired on April 1, 2018, interviewed Doctor Daniel Perl who is examining the brains of veterans exposed to the blast waves of IEDs (improvised explosive devices) explosions when on duty. Perl found a number of similar cases in which veterans had similar scarring in their brain tissue, who were exposed to IED, and diagnosed with PTSD.
Perl explains to CBS, “‘When an IED goes off, there’s a tremendous explosion. And with the explosion comes the formation of something called the blast wave,’” and this blast wave is powerful enough to “pass through the skull and through the brain. And when it does that– it does damage the brain tissue.” Perl feels confident that the link is common and could be a revolutionary breakthrough in treating veterans with PTSD.
Our first understandings of trauma came from veterans of war. Especially after the Vietnam War, veterans who returned home seemed to have extreme difficulty adjusting to civilian life. Many diminished the situation to mere “shell shock” as if it were simply an adjustment issue. As more vets returned home and started demonstrating increasingly intense symptoms like flashbacks, hallucinations, mental distress, insomnia, and more, science began taking a look at trauma. Today, we understand that symptoms of post traumatic stress can develop in anyone who witnesses a traumatic event.
Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime but few will be psychologically, mentally, or emotionally impacted by it. Everyone has a story when they arrive to The Guest House Ocala. We welcome each client individually, providing customized treatment plans tailor fit to each client’s specific experiences with trauma, responses to trauma, and needs for healing trauma. Call us today for information on our residential treatment programs for trauma and related addiction or mental health issues: 1-855-483-7800