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For many of us in recovery or struggling with trauma, the current state of the world can be very triggering and upsetting. While others are able to maintain a sense of peace, for the most part, those with PTSD and other mental health issues find their fear and anxiety in overdrive. Social distancing isn’t easy for everyone, and staying at home for long periods of time can cause old coping mechanisms to resurface. If you find that you are struggling to find tranquility or balance, there are a few things you can do. 

Check The Facts

In Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), there is a skill that you can use in times of stress and panic called Check The Facts. It’s a great way to ground yourself when you are scared or anxious. While there is a lot of chaos happening around us, it can remind you that you are safe. To use this skill, we are understanding the difference between our thoughts and emotions and what is real. Our emotions are completely valid, however, they might not be connected to what is actually happening. When we examine our reactions in comparison to the situation at hand, we can sometimes find out if our feelings or thoughts are unrealistic. The first thing to do is to step back from your anxiety or fear. Analyze what is causing these emotions, and describe what brought them up. Try to see if there are places you are making assumptions or misinterpreting what’s going on. Take a moment to ask yourself what is actually happening in the present moment. Am I in danger right this moment? Is there a threat to me right now that is a valid reason to panic? Finally, describe the worst-case scenario of the situation and ways you can prepare for it. Practice mindfulness and remember to stay present. What can you do right now? What is in your control? You can repeat this process as you need, and as different emotions arise. Checking the facts can help you find balance and a sense of peace in circumstances like this pandemic and everyday life. 

Do An Inventory

If you are in recovery and finding yourself to be panicking during this time, it may be useful to do an inventory. Revisit your fear inventory, possibly your resentments as well. Take a look at where your part is. What can you do to maintain your own health and security, as well as those around you? You might find that by following the suggestions to stay at home and distance yourself from those who are more at risk, you are doing the most that you can for the time being. Stay in touch with your sponsor. They may be able to walk you through the right inventory steps or see where your emotions are out of proportion. Talk to your friends who are in recovery and ask for their advice. Sometime’s talking through our fears and emotions can be a great benefit. Don’t forget to pray. In times like these, reaching out to our Higher Power is an incredible source of relief and safety. Trust that your Higher Power will guide you through this, and you will be okay. If you are working with a sponsee, check in on them. Continuing the work with them or helping them may be just what you need to get out of your own head. 


There is no denying that this is an uneasy time for everyone. It is essential to practice self-care and self-love and try to stay grounded. Reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. You are not alone, this is not forever. 


At The Guest House Ocala, we have personal recovery experience and over 12 years in the recovery industry. We have helped countless people recover, and we’re here to help you too. Call 855-483-7800 today for more information.