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hands-stretched-to-the-skyWe abandon ourselves when we reject ourselves and stop focusing on our well-being. Many of us fail to notice that we are doing it. We are so used to focusing on others, participating in negative self-talk, and thinking poorly of ourselves that it turns into second nature. When you add addiction and mental illness to self-abandonment, it can turn into living in a very dark space. If you find yourself feeling this way, remember that you are not alone and are worth the effort it takes to work through these struggles.

Accept the Past

For some of us, accepting our past is one way to help us stop the self-abandonment cycle. We tell ourselves that we are not good enough because of the things we have done in the past. We justify negative self-talk because we think we are simply unworthy of speaking better of ourselves. We all have a history. We have all done and said things that we wish we could go back in time and do differently.

Learning to accept our past will help us see how much we have grown and how much we still need to grow. Working with a mental health professional can help us learn to move through our past in a healthy manner and learn how to grow into the person we have always wanted to be.

Be Mindful of Positivity

Some people have the natural ability to be happy. They do not need to think about it; being happy comes naturally and easily to them. However, some of us need to make conscious decisions to work on being happy every day. Being mindful of our thoughts can help us stop the self-abandonment cycle. Making an effort to stay in the moment, acknowledge what is going well, and take note of our accomplishments each day, can help us see our strengths.

Many of us engage in self-abandonment without even realizing it. We fail to take the time to think about our well-being, our mental health, or our self-talk. Self-abandonment can lead us into thinking that we are unworthy of working on our problems and tackling our issues. Here at The Guest House, we understand that acknowledging that you need professional help can be a big step. It can be scary to admit that you struggle with addiction, mental health issues, or trauma. We are ready to help you work through whatever you may be facing. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options at (855) 483-7800.