Everyone experiences moments where tempers shorten and flare. In these moments, we may do things we usually wouldn’t do or say things we ultimately regret.
For some, these moments are rare and don’t significantly impact daily life. For others, short and extreme tempers can become a problem that affects everyday life and relationships.
If you have begun working to control your short temper, keep a few suggestions in mind.
Keep a Journal
Try keeping a journal with details of your feelings and behaviors. In what situations do you find yourself with the shortest temper? Is it certain people that trigger you, or is it with anyone?
Keeping a journal helps you to look for patterns. When we can better understand our behaviors, we can create a better plan to work through our struggles.
Journals are also beneficial because you can share that information with your mental health care professional. The more you can tell your provider, the better they will be able to help you.
Practice De-Escalation
Try to learn de-escalation techniques. There are many techniques you may find helpful. Learning what works best for you is the key to success.
What works best for your loved one may not be the best option for you. Take time to try out different techniques. See what feels beneficial and what seems not to help as much.
Lean on Your Support Network
Create a strong support circle that you can rely on and lean on—having people you trust can be very comforting. These are the people you can tell how you are feeling and what is bothering you. They can be the ones you call if you find yourself in a risky situation. Create a plan with your loved ones for the moments you find your temper starting to flare.
Having a short temper at times is completely normal. We all experience bad moods, disagreements, and bad days. However, if your short temper starts to impact your daily life, it may be something to work on. Try to keep a journal so you can keep track of patterns and behaviors. Always lean on your support system to talk through your struggles. Here at The Guest House, we understand how challenging it can be to change your thought processes. We are here to help. Call us today at (855) 483-7800 to learn more about our treatment options.