People may not think about the diagnosis of bipolar illness and how the two of them may be different. There are actually crucial differences which mean a lot when it comes to treatment. Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 are distinct, unique disorders that require a deeper look to understand how it impacts a person’s life.
Basics of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder means periods of mania and depression occur at different times. Manic periods involve feeling ‘high’ or being talkative and feeling good. Mania can make people agitated, lose sleep, get racing thoughts, and struggle with how they feel. With periods of depression, they may feel ‘down,’ sleep a lot, feel lethargic, be forgetful, not be able to concentrate, and feel ‘empty’ inside.
Bipolar 1
Bipolar 1 disorder is characterized by one episode of mania but could be more. These episodes may last a week or longer, with some people have both mania and depression that happen on and off. Depressive episodes are common, but not everyone has them. ‘Hypomania’ is possible where it is not as severe, but is shorter, lasting a few days, and less noticeable to loved ones. It is hard to find people who are getting appropriate treatment because they may cycle quickly in between episodes and not have consistency with treatment due to self-medicating or going on and off medication.
Bipolar 2
When people are looking at treatment for bipolar illness, it can take different forms. Often, medications like mood stabilizers and antidepressants can help, along with therapy. Treatment of bipolar 1 is essential because manic episodes usually involve risk-taking behavior, spurred on by impaired judgment. Depressive episodes carry the risk of people not being able to handle the stress of the episodes and looking at things like using substances to cope. With proper treatment, they learn more effective management tools for stress but they must adjust their lifestyle so they can feel more fulfilled.
People often self-medicate when they struggle with mental health issues. They are prone to using alcohol or drugs more than usual because of their mental health but also need to find dual diagnosis treatment so they can get the right support to ensure better overall health.
Guest House provides quality care for clients seeking support for addiction recovery. We offer dual diagnosis support for people in recovery from addiction, including bipolar disorder. For more information sober living programs for men and women as well as recovery programs, call 855-483-7800.