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When someone is addicted to drugs and alcohol, they may also find that they struggle with other addictions that can affect the outcome in their recovery. Accepting that you suffer from other things such as an eating disorder, sexual addiction, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) could be revealed when you start getting honest about your addiction to drugs and alcohol. 

To get to the root cause of what makes you want to use anything that makes you feel different, you have to get real about what is afflicting you because otherwise, you may never have a chance to truly get sober. Do not believe that this means that you are not doing enough in your recovery. Look at this as an opportunity to expand your growth. A dual diagnosis is not the end of the world. A dual diagnosis is the beginning of new freedom that you have not experienced before in your recovery. 

You Can Develop the Appropriate Recovery Tools

When you have a dual diagnosis, you have to treat each disorder separately because they do different things that offset the other. You will need different coping skills for different scenarios that you may experience. Being ready to combat symptoms as they come up will be helpful to your long term recovery. 

You Can Produce Better Results in Your Recovery

If you are wondering why you have tried to get sober or relieve your mental health to no avail, you may have not received the appropriate diagnosis yet. Each disorder has different symptoms that need to be processed differently. Once you can receive the correct diagnosis, you will be able to get better results ongoing.

You Can Enhance Your Overall Quality of Life

Battling several different diagnoses can cause a strain in your emotional and mental states. You have hidden behind your disorders long enough and now it is time to make changes so you can feel better. You deserve a better quality of life, no matter how far down the scale you have gone. 

By taking the initiative to fully treat your dual diagnosis, you will alleviate your mental health and addiction distress. The best outcome for co-occurring disorders comes from treatment that will address all mental health issues and addictive behaviors simultaneously for a way out from under them.  

At The Guest House Ocala, we offer residential treatment programs specialized for the care of traumas, addictions, and related mental health issues. Call us today at (855) 483-7800 for information on our trauma treatment programs and our concierge-style customization for every guest.