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Why Is Sponsorship So Valuable

One of the suggestions you will find to be most beneficial in recovery is picking someone to be your sponsor. At first, you may struggle to wrap your mind around someone being your “sobriety handler.” You may not completely understand what having a sponsor will mean for your sobriety. You may think that adding one more person into your life to tell you what to do sounds like unpleasant or restrictive. It’s time to put your pride aside for a moment and look at the valuable aspects of sponsorship. A good sponsor can undoubtedly guide you along better in your recovery.

You Will Discover How to Be In a Healthy Relationship.

If you look back on your behavior in the throes of your addiction, you can see a pattern of unhealthy relationships, especially in the inventories of your step work. Through the work you are putting into making changes, you will discover that being honest will be an essential factor in your relationship with your sponsor. Your sponsor will give you an introduction to a relationship based on trust. From this starting point, they will help you pinpoint the first healthy relationship you have may have ever had.

You Can Be Shown How to Work a Program of Recovery.

The concept of a recovery program is one person in recovery, sharing their experience with another. The common peril of their addiction is what binds these people to each other. You will find this commonality with your sponsor, who will be able to communicate with you as no other could before. Your sponsor will be able to walk you through the 12-Steps and show you the solution because you will finally be willing to listen to what they are saying to you

You Can Grasp the Understanding of Gratitude.

Consider where you came from and where you are now. This self-reflection will lead to thankfulness if you can be honest with yourself. Especially examine your relationship with your sponsor. They will show you the kindness and respect of which you may feel undeserving. When you have the right sponsor, you will start to feel comfortable in your skin and feel grateful for what they are offering you. With this newfound gratitude, you will see how worthwhile sponsorship really is.

Recovery is undeniably valuable when you allow a sponsor to walk you through your sober life. Sponsorship proves it takes one to know one to initiate you into recovery. You will feel better about what you are doing when you have someone to help you walk through recovery in grace and dignity.

At The Guest House Ocala, our recovery programs include many experiential modalities, including traditional therapy, conscious connected breathwork, equine therapy, somatic experiencing, art in healing, grief therapy, mindfulness, and other forms of treatment.
Call 855-372-1079 today for more information.