Every recovery program relies on an underlying structure to give their therapies and treatments a context and a larger purpose. Along your recovery journey, you may have encountered some of the common ones — the 12 Step program, for example, or the matrix model, both of which are time-tested methods that can keep your recovery on track and relapse at bay. But at The Guest House, we focus on more than just addiction or compulsion recovery. We also treat the underlying causes of whatever is troubling you, such as trauma, emotional difficulties or external stressors and pressures. We often refer to these underlying causes as soul wounds.

Our co-founder Judy Crane has dedicated her career to developing treatment strategies that delve into healing these soul wounds. The product of her efforts is Spirit2Spirit Healing, a globally renowned program that offers healing trauma therapy retreats for those who are feeling stuck in their life and disconnected from themselves. Many of our participants struggle with process and/or substance addictions, and often mental illness as a result of emotional trauma. At The Guest House Ocala, we are proud to incorporate the Spirit2Spirit Healing model alongside the proven principles of the 12 Step program. We also host dedicated Spirit2Spirit Healing retreats that are available even for those who are not full-time residents in our Guest House treatment programs. Our guests and alumni can enjoy a lifetime discount at all Spirit2Spirit Healing events across the country should they choose to attend following their treatment with us.

The Spirit2Spirit Healing Difference

The idea that trauma or other emotional distress leads to self-defeating behaviors is not necessarily new or novel — it has been well-documented that there is a link between the two. In fact, studies show that at least 45% of people who struggle with chronic substance abuse, addiction and relapse also suffer from some other difficulty like a mental health disorder, and that more often than not this difficulty is related to trauma or PTSD. But specialized programs for treating these co-occurring diagnoses are few and far between; often, treatment is limited to addressing underlying concerns during therapy sessions geared towards substance abuse, rather than using a more targeted approach. Many treatment centers offer mental health treatment as a secondary component of an addiction program, rather than placing equal emphasis on a client’s addiction and mental health disorder.

With Spirit2Spirit Healing, The Guest House acknowledges that digging deep from the very beginning of treatment can lead to a more holistic healing experience. Treating the root of the problem leaves you better equipped to resist relapse because you have come to understand why your addiction holds power over you, rather than simply developing coping mechanisms. Our Spirit2Spirit Healing framework allows us to view all of your concerns as equal forces in your life: we create lasting recovery by addressing everything with the same high level of care and attention.

Spirit2Spirit Healing utilizes experiential therapies that encourage participants to engage holistically with their trauma treatment, allowing the mind, body and spirit to open and heal as one. Nature-based therapies, group activities and deep spiritual reflections are integral parts of the Spirit2Spirit Healing retreat model. We encourage our clients to be vulnerable, giving them a safe space to express and explore themselves so they can fearlessly let go of their trauma and truly connect with others.

Spirit2Spirit Healing at The Guest House

The Guest House Ocala is a home base of the Spirit2Spirit Healing model as well as Spirit2Spirit Healing retreats. Several recovery centers across the country host our retreats each year, but The Guest House is a staple of our treatment circuit because it is ideally built and located to be a place of healing. Judy Crane’s involvement in the choosing and design of our Silver Springs location has made our home uniquely suited for the kind of holistic treatment that Spirit2Spirit Healing champions. Our beautiful, tranquil natural surroundings, our attention to our guests’ safety and comfort and our full staff of experienced therapists make The Guest House the intended model for Spirit2Spirit Healing trauma treatment. Our full-time guests enjoy these benefits every day during their stay in our treatment program, and we invite others to join us and discover the healing power of Spirit2Spirit Healing through our annual retreats.

Is Spirit2Spirit Right for Me?

Spirit2Spirit Healing can help anyone who is in need of trauma recovery or is struggling with PTSD, stress, grief or related personal difficulties. While our programs are intensive and structured, Spirit2Spirit is not a restrictive program — it is designed to be the opposite: freeing, exploratory and boundary-pushing. Spirit2Spirit provides an outlet, a framework, safety and professional guidance as participants look into their own minds and pasts to uncover the source of their soul wounds. At The Guest House, we welcome men and women who are struggling with substance abuse, process addictions or other self-defeating behaviors as a result of traumatic or emotionally difficult experiences; our Spirit2Spirit-informed care helps them work through the underlying cause of their behaviors so they can find sobriety and healing.

Our Spirit2Spirit retreats also welcome participants who are struggling with these concerns, as well as men and women whose trauma or PTSD is not accompanied by addiction but remains a source of worry, fear, sadness or hurt. Spirit2Spirit Healing is also beneficial for the families or loved ones of individuals who struggle with addiction or behavioral health concerns.

Attend a Retreat or Training Program

Principles of Spirit2Spirit Healing are incorporated into all of our treatment programs at The Guest House Ocala, but the program is nationally recognized for its trauma recovery retreats and certification workshops that are available to anyone interested or in need. Our 5-day intensive retreats are offered on The Guest House grounds in Silver Springs, Florida throughout the year and are open to members of the public who struggle with all forms of trauma, from concerns reaching back to childhood to the recent loss of a loved one. Our four-day training programs are offered year-round nationwide and are available to trauma therapists and mental health professionals; upon completion, participants receive a certification in Spirit2Spirit trauma therapy.

Learn More About Spirit2Spirit Healing

The Spirit2Spirit Healing program is available nationwide via organized events at recovery centers across the country. If you or your loved one is suffering from addiction, compulsions or other self-defeating behaviors as a result of a traumatic or emotionally difficult experience, we encourage you to locate a retreat or a Certified Trauma Therapist near you. We can help you make progress in your life following events like abuse, loss, violence or disaster, encouraging you to learn to identify and process your trauma in a safe, accepting and protective environment. Find out more about Spirit2Spirit Healing by filling out our contact form or calling us at 855-483-7800.