The public perception of certain types of drugs often shapes the way they are used and abused. Hallucinogens are not immune to this; many people consider hallucinogens to be less harmful, less addictive or less risky than other categories of drugs because of their association with intellectual movements and spiritual experiences. But this is a dangerous notion; not only do hallucinogenic drugs absolutely have the potential to be addictive and unhealthy, but there is a wide range of hallucinogens of varying intensity. It is incredibly unsafe to assume that all hallucinogens are created equally. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), hallucinogenic drugs include:

  • LSD (“acid”)
  • Psilocybin mushrooms (“shrooms”)
  • Ecstasy/MDMA (“molly”)
  • PCP
  • Salvia
  • Peyote
  • Mescaline
  • DMT
  • Ketamine (“Special K”)

These drugs all produce visual, auditory or tactile hallucinations that can make a user see, hear or feel things that aren’t there. These hallucinations can range from altered reality — brighter colors or different temperatures — to fully immersive dreamlike states. The 2017 NSDUH estimates that 1.4 million Americans over the age of 12 had used hallucinogens in the last month. The survey also estimates that throughout 2017 approximately 1.2 million Americans used hallucinogens for the first time — the 4th highest initiation rate out of 12 categories of addictive substances. If you or someone close to you is developing a habit of hallucinogen use, it’s important not to brush it off — these drugs can be dangerous, and their recreational use should be taken seriously just like any other mind-altering substance.

Treating Hallucinogen Addiction at The Guest House 

At The Guest House, our doors are always open to those who are in need of a place to rest and heal. We do not judge or discriminate based on your past, your experiences or your current situation; we welcome people from all walks of life, and we specialize in helping our clients overcome the trauma, grief or burnout that might contribute to substance abuse or mental health concerns. Our peaceful, secluded location just outside of Ocala, Florida offers an ideal environment for restoration and recovery away from the stresses and distractions of daily life. If you or your loved one has fallen into hallucinogen addiction as a means of escaping or dealing with reality, we can help them break the cycle and return to a fulfilled and sober life. Contact us to learn more about our programs and the admissions process — call today at 855-483-7800.