While you were in treatment, you were most likely surrounded by encouraging people. If you were in inpatient care or sober living housing, everyone you lived with understood how you were feeling. This may have given you a sense of comfort. Now that your treatment is over, you may not be enjoying the same level of support. Unfortunately, you may still be having difficulty coping with trauma triggers post-treatment. This is normal. Post-treatment can create an array of emotions, especially when coping with trauma triggers.
While in treatment, you started to explore those unmentionable moments in your past. This may have triggered a wellspring of emotion. Now, you find yourself struggling with the “right way” to cope or to cope rationally. Perhaps you have not been holding healthy space for yourself to feel. Maybe you have not been practicing healthy coping skills. It could also be. that you just need more accountability. This blog will discuss helpful hints to help you cope with trauma triggers post-treatment and encourage you to reach out for help from The Guest House.
What Are Trauma Triggers Post-Treatment?
A trigger can be absolutely anything that reminds you of a trauma that you have experienced in your life. When you experience a trigger, memories and feelings surface without warning or reason. Intrusive thoughts may surface and you may feel out of control with your thought process. In response, you feel a change in your emotional state and become reactive.
When the mind perceives a trigger as a threat, the body can have a natural response to that trauma trigger. How you respond to the trauma trigger depends on the severity of the trauma and your body’s reaction. Trauma triggers post-treatment can be big or small, yet they can cause an intense emotional reaction.
How Do I Identify Trauma Triggers Post-Treatment?
When you have an emotional reaction to an event or situation that seems exaggerated, this can be a clue that it is a trauma trigger. More often than not, people do not recognize trauma triggers due to a variety of reasons. You may have been told that you “exaggerate” things or that you are “too emotional.” The reason you have those responses is that at times, your body has a natural reaction to something that it may have experienced previously.
Always go with your gut no matter what is happening around you. Only you will be able to identify a trauma trigger post-treatment. Here are several questions to ask yourself to identify a trauma trigger post-treatment:
- What happened before you were triggered?
- Who was present at the moment with you?
- Where were you?
- What were you thinking about?
- How did you feel before, during, and after the trigger occurred?
Tips for Coping With Trauma Triggers Post-Treatment
There are many strategies you can utilize to cope with trauma triggers post-treatment. You will need to explore the coping skills that resonate with you the most in that particular moment you are triggered.
It is always recommended that you have positive and supportive people you can reach out to in the event of a trauma trigger. At The Guest House, our team is trauma-centered and can provide the support you need when coping with trauma triggers post-treatment. Below are five tips that we suggest to cope with trauma triggers:
- Try conscious connected breathwork: Trauma triggers cause you to relive your trauma. Therefore, your body reacts to what happened in the past. At times, you may find yourself holding your breath. Conscious connected breathwork is a powerful way to release negative thought patterns and shift into the here and now, recognizing that you are safe and in control of what surrounds you.
- Journal about symptoms: It can be easy to ignore trauma triggers post-treatment. However, what you ignore you cannot work through. Journaling is recommended to work through your thoughts and feelings. You are free to write as much or as little as you want and are in control of what is on the pages. This allows you to reflect on everything you have processed.
- Create a safety plan: It is important for you to always have a safety plan. This plan will remind you of the safe places within your grasp. For example, you may identify people, places, and things that create a safe feeling within yourself. Then, at any point when a trauma trigger surfaces, you already have a plan in place about who to connect with or where to go. When you take action and practice these healthy coping skills, this will decrease the intensity of the feelings that are surfacing.
How Do I Know When I Need to Talk to a Professional?
Facing trauma triggers post-treatment can be an exhausting part of recovery. It is always recommended to speak to a trained professional. Trauma affects everyone differently. Therefore, understanding the impact of trauma in your life can cause a whirlwind of emotions. It is not something that is advised to do alone.
The Guest House values you and your unique history and symptoms. As we said previously, we emphasize meeting you right where you are in your treatment. Trauma can be difficult to process, especially when you’re doing it without a professional to guide you. During every step of your treatment, we at The Guest House will meet you with unconditional positive regard.
Processing trauma triggers post-treatment is a daunting process. As your brain starts to heal, old memories may flood your mind. Healthy coping skills can be utilized to calm your brain and feelings so that you can continue healing. Exploring these emotions is easier when working with a trained professional. Identifying safe spaces to learn about yourself, heal, and grow is essential when trauma is present. At The Guest House, we provide the safe space that you are searching for. With our professional and experienced staff, we have many years of trauma-specific care. If you or someone you know is struggling with trauma triggers post-treatment, give us a call at (855) 483-7800 today.