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Navigating Trauma Recovery Through Cinema Therapy

Cinema therapy is a powerful healing modality that may sound unfamiliar to you because most treatment programs do not offer it. At The Guest House, however, you can navigate trauma recovery through cinema therapy. Our program uses this innovative modality to add a fun and unique dimension to your healing journey. Healing Through Cinema TherapyRead More

Scared to Make a Change: 5 Ways to Combat Anxiety

Just the thought of making a change can produce anxiety. It is easy to get caught up in wanting to stay where you are now just to remain comfortable. Sometimes to make a change, you have to first go through a state of fear. If you’re experiencing this, you are not alone. It can beRead More

How Therapeutic Writing Helps Heal Trauma

You may find it difficult to see a connection between your self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. Low public mental health and trauma-related knowledge can make it difficult to recognize trauma in your life. Many people perceive trauma as a profoundly horrific event like war, sexual assault, and witnessing violence. Yet, there are a variety of lessRead More

5 Ways to Feel Your Best Every Day

Some days you wake up feeling energized and ready to start the day. On other days, it is a struggle to get out of bed and get moving. It is also easy to fall into a rut and not know how to get out of it. Focusing on yourself requires time and energy. Unfortunately, feelingRead More

Fun and Adventurous Recovery Programs

When many people think of recovery, they picture long, boring days cooped up in a room. They may imagine a packed schedule of talk therapy that lasts all day long. These scenarios could not be further from the truth at The Guest House. At our facility, you will find a fun and adventurous recovery programRead More

How to Change a Bad Habit Into a Healthy Habit as an Alumnus

It is easy to reflect on your new healthy habits and enjoy how they make you feel. However, what about those unhealthy habits? Unhealthy habits can prevent you from living your best life. They can interrupt your life and prevent you from meeting your goals. Additionally, they often waste precious time and energy. Have youRead More

Exploring Friendships as an Alumnus

When you completed treatment, it may have felt like you had to start over with exploring friendships. Along with learning how to live without substance use, you were encouraged to form new connections. It may seem silly to need to make new friends. However, doing so could be the difference between long-term recovery and aRead More

Understanding and Overcoming Detachment in Society

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), social connections are essential for physical and mental health and well-being. Yet, social isolation and loneliness have become a global issue that deprives people of practical and emotional support to manage the challenges of daily life. As the WHO notes, approximately 1 in 4 older adults experience socialRead More

Post-Treatment Success: Strategies for Staying on Track

After the initial addiction treatment process, many people will fall back into old patterns and potentially relapse. This is especially true for those who don’t have a solid plan of action in place. To ensure post-treatment success, it’s important to create a solid support structure. The Treatment and Recovery Process Treatment is only the firstRead More

Unraveling the Complex Threads of Trauma

Healing trauma is a very delicate journey that takes time. Threads of trauma can linger in your body long after the traumatic event is over. For that reason, it’s important to take your healing one step at a time. Threads of Trauma: Lasting Effects Trauma can be extremely complex, affecting individuals in many different ways.Read More