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Nurturing Personal Growth in Recovery

After years of experiencing trauma or addiction, a significant disconnect can happen within yourself. Nurturing personal growth in recovery can help you rebuild this connection, rediscover life’s joys, and achieve lasting success. The Importance of Personal Growth in Recovery Personal growth, or personal development, is a process that allows you to feel more happy andRead More

Unlocking Recovery Potential: The Power of Self-Awareness

This world is fast-paced, and it tends to cultivate a focus on the things around you instead of on yourself. Yet, self-awareness is key, and exploring self-awareness can unlock your greatest self. Ultimately, enhancing your personal awareness allows you to understand yourself better and connect better to the world around you. Self-awareness is a practiceRead More

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose in the Journey of Recovery

Recovery can be a difficult journey, but it can be much more rewarding if you feel like you are discovering and fulfilling your life’s purpose. Having a purpose can give you a sense of meaning and stability. It can also help you make serious progress towards lasting sobriety. How Your Life’s Purpose Can Aid inRead More

Transforming Addiction: Adopting Healthy Habits for Lasting Recovery

Adopting healthy habits is one of the most powerful strategies for overcoming addiction. It may feel intimidating at first to try to live more intentionally. However, once you get started, you’ll find it’s easy to stick to your new healthy routines. Adopting Healthy Habits: The Benefits Having self-defined habits can help you create a personalRead More

A Guide for Successful Dating in Recovery

It is that time of year when things start to change and bloom. You may be thinking of the fun activities you want to do. Then it hits you that pursuing dating in recovery can be a scary endeavor. Do not worry; you are not alone and never will be. When you feel that theRead More

Overcoming Social Anxiety in Trauma Recovery

According to Mental Health America (MHA), 15 million or 7% of U.S. adults have social anxiety disorder (SAD). Moreover, for more than 75% of people, symptoms of SAD manifest in childhood or their early teen years. The prevalence of SAD developing before adulthood speaks to a strong relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and anxiety.Read More

5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Outside

Mindfulness is already ingrained in you. Every person can practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is available at any time, at your disposal. With the seasons changing, you may be experiencing a burst of energy and an improved mood. This may come as a relief. However, there are ways to enhance this budding sense of well-being. Practicing mindfulnessRead More

Empowering Marginalized Groups in Trauma Recovery

Trauma can happen to anyone at any time and place across their lifespan. Whether your trauma is associated with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or occurred in adulthood, trauma does not discriminate. Everyone will and has experienced trauma, from car accidents to the loss of a loved one. However, as the National Cancer Institute (NCI) notes,Read More

Living a Fulfilling Life Post-Recovery

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 7 in 10 and 2 in 3 U.S. adults are recovering or in recovery from substance use and mental health challenges, respectively. However, relapse can be a major barrier to building and living a fulfilling life in recovery. As the U.S. Department of VeteransRead More

How Can I Learn to Accept Help When Needed?

It can be hard to accept help when all you have done thus far is be the helper. It’s even harder when you are in recovery and you do not know who to turn to. Maybe you feel like you are a burden or you have put people through enough heartache. Whatever your reason, thisRead More