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Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder and Getting a Diagnosis

Bipolar disorder is a complex disease that affects the lives of millions of Americans each day. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to get a proper diagnosis. Many people even go undiagnosed for years or are misdiagnosed with a different condition. However, living a happy life with this disorder is possible. Recognizing the symptoms of bipolarRead More

Facing Emotions: How Do I Navigate as an Alumni?

No one is exempt from facing emotions; they are part of the human experience. Some emotions are easier to deal with, like joy and happiness. Others, like anger and sadness, are more difficult. Perhaps you were raised in an atmosphere that viewed emotions as “bad” or “good.” Additionally, perhaps you were not taught to embraceRead More

Learning About Your Attachment Trauma

Trying to wrap your head around your attachment trauma diagnosis can be understandably distressing and confusing. You are in the early stages of building self-understanding about the roots of your self-defeating behaviors. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone in your diagnosis. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Read More

Negative News Cycles: Handling Triggers

Handling triggers when it comes to negative news can seem like an impossible task, especially for those in recovery. Some people may even be re-traumatized by frightening images, fear, and anxious feelings. However, protecting your mental health and recovery is possible when you learn how to handle negative news triggers in an empowering way. ARead More

Maintain Motivation as an Alumni

At a certain point, you begin to hear the same recovery stories and principles time and time again. Since you have been doing this for a while, it may be getting harder for you to maintain motivation. You may feel irritated thinking about all the time you spent in addiction and lack the motivation toRead More

New Year: New Boundaries as an Alumni

Many people have heard to term “boundaries” but have no idea what they are. In recovery, boundaries are essential for living a healthy and substance-free lifestyle. This is a new year and with that comes the responsibility of creating a new you. Perhaps you have been thinking about boundaries in your personal life but areRead More

Trying to Explain Self-Harm to a Loved One

First, you should be incredibly proud of the work you have done to get to this point in your recovery. You know recovering from self-harm is not a one-and-done process; likewise, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. According to an article from Frontiers in Psychiatry, self-harm, also known as self-injury or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), has aRead More

Holidays in Recovery: Finding a Balance

Holidays in recovery can be a difficult time for anyone. You may feel hyper-focused on avoiding triggering situations or dealing with family that brings you down. Having a positive mindset and finding a strong balance during this time can go a long way. It is possible to enjoy the holidays while feeling confident in yourRead More

Self-Healing Practices for Anxiety

Medication and behavioral treatment have always been the go-to routes for anxiety management. In reality, traditional treatment is not for everyone. It’s not the only option, either. Holistic modalities and self-healing practices have garnered more widespread attention in recent years as alternatives. These tools can be used alone or combined with traditional therapies to provideRead More

How to Create New Connections in the New Year

If you’re like many people, you may find social interaction to be a little anxiety-provoking at times. Perhaps even the thought of going somewhere unknown can cause a feeling of anxiety. This fear may even dissuade you from building new connections in recovery. However, creating healthy relationships is an important key to establishing a strongRead More