Why Do People Pivot Their Lives?

The word pivot conjures up different ways a person can change their personal or professional life. A person who decides to switch up a specific area in their life often addresses what would benefit and suit their needs. They want to make a substantial impact on their life. Whether a person is pivoting their personal or professional life, they are making changes to affect their well-being.

What Makes a Person Pivot?

If there’s one thing people learned from the past few years is that in order to maintain their well-being, they must adapt to changes out of their control. No one can control the pandemic, politics, or other people. But, you can control the decisions you make.

Pivots are a necessity. Did you think you would work from home at the beginning of the pandemic? Or could you envision how your priorities would shift? Ask yourself what the catalyst for a shift in life was. You may find that the pivots you made came from your mind or spirit. The pivots that impact your life and alter your path can also challenge you. Your choice to show up for yourself is why you pivot.

How Can I Pivot?

Step back and take a look at your life. Are you stuck in a rut? Are you happy? Think about your answers, and consider how you can take control of your path. A few tips for evaluating your life include:

Consider Your Core Values

Ask yourself what your core values are. Then, take inventory of what excites you, draws you in, and supports a healthy lifestyle. Suppose you stay true to your core values and live what you define as a successful life: that’s great. But, if you’re not happy or living by your definition of success, assess what you can do to change. Sometimes pivoting your behavior, priorities, or how you spend your time will increase your well-being.

Don’t Forget to Take Care of Your Health

Your health is the foundation for your mental and physical well-being. Talk with a therapist about the steps needed to meet your nutritional needs. Healthy food gives your body and mind the energy it needs to heal.

Celebrate Who You Are

Most people don’t like certain things about themselves. That’s okay. What’s not okay is how they talk to themselves. You are perfect how you are. Your mind, body, and spirit are what carry you through life. Change how you think about yourself by replacing harmful behaviors with healthy behaviors. Your therapist can guide you through the process of learning to love yourself.

Nothing is certain in life. As a person adapts and learns in their professional or personal life, they can pivot their thoughts and feelings. Pivoting is essential to maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit. But, to make a pivot, you should commit to it with your mind and heart. There are times when you need help with making healthy changes, and that is why The Guest House is here to help you. We offer support and encouragement as you discover your true self. Our peaceful setting is the perfect setting for your pivot. Call us at (855) 483-7800.