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Signs Your Loved One Has an Eating Disorder

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Eating disorders are on the rise in our culture. They are a silent killer; very few people acknowledge someone they love could struggle with one. However, eating disorders can affect anyone, and spotting the symptoms of an eating disorder might save the life of someone you love. Below are some key signs that someone you love may be struggling with an unhealthy relationship with food.

Constant Talk About Weight

Often someone struggling with an eating disorder will express concern about their body shape or weight. They will constantly talk about the desire to lose weight or look different.

Control Over Eating

If a loved one grows unexpectedly interested in cooking but doesn’t eat the meals they make, that can be a red flag. Feeling the need to be in control of all food is a common symptom of an eating disorder. If that individual seems to get upset when dinner plans change or a meal they planned to eat isn’t available, those are additional behaviors that merit attention.

Strange Behavior During or After a Meal

The need to purge or further control food intake can become apparent during or right after a meal. Often someone with an eating disorder refuses to eat in anyone’s presence, takes numerous bathroom breaks during meals, or visits the bathroom after every meal. This indicates that they might be avoiding food altogether or purging it from their system before it can be digested.

Unexplained Fatigue

Less food intake can lead to the body not getting all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to produce energy. Food is our main source of energy, and in its absence, fatigue and exhaustion win out. If the person you care about seems “wiped out” after what was once an easy task, then it’s worth exploring why.

Mood Swings

We all experience changes in our moods. However, if someone suddenly expresses a wide variety of moods in a short time period in conjunction with changes in eating behavior, then they could be struggling with an eating disorder.

Endless Exercising

Exercise is good for you. There is no doubt about its health benefits. However, if you notice someone you care about exercising a great deal without increasing caloric intake, there may be a problem. In addition, there may also be an issue if that person gets upset or feels anxious when they cannot exercise.

Helping Your Loved One With an Eating Disorder

Many of the issues listed above can happen on their own without the presence of an eating disorder. Each of these items can occur in life or be a quirky aspect of the person we love. However, if many of these issues arise, it might be best to discuss them. Eating disorders are dangerous. If an eating disorder is a problem, then treatment is the best option.

None of us like to suspect the ones we love of struggling with mental health issues. We only want the best for the people we care about and like to believe that life is going smoothly for them. The truth is, however, that the people we love experience difficulty just like everyone else. The most important thing we can do is support them when they need help. If you are concerned that a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, The Guest House is here to help. Call us today at (855) 483-7800 for more information.