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Codependent relationships are either obvious or subtle. Either way, the dynamics of codependency can be harmful, to a codependent individual and to others. Often, the signs of codependency are misconstrued signs of love.

Sacrifice, Not Compromise: You are quick to concede to your partner’s wishes without thinking about your own

Codependency is born out of a need for attachment, most often spurred by traumatic childhood relationships in which there was little to no satisfying emotional attachment with an adult; most often through abandonment or neglect. People who develop codependent behaviors tend to concede to the desires of others without considering any wants, needs, or desires of their own. Instead of seeing this as a problematic sacrifice of themselves, people with codependent behaviors see this as a way of compromising. While it is compromising, it is compromising their needs and most intimate part of themselves. Overtime, this sacrificial behavior can lead

Enabling, Not Seeing The Best: You find yourself making excuses or overcompensating for your partner’s behaviors

People who have codependent tendencies create codependent relationships to which they tightly cling even when their partner is not a healthy individual. Those who have experienced toxic relationships in their life might replicate those toxic dynamics until they learn to recognize them and choose differently. Since someone who is codependent fears a lack of attachment will lead to abandonment or neglect, they believe holding onto a relationship at all costs is important. Hiding, enabling, justifying, or ignoring a partner’s problematic behaviors is common. In their most extreme forms, codependent relationships can include a partner who is alcoholic, addicted, severely mentally ill, and/or abusive either physically or emotionally.

Unhappy, Not Happy: You give much more to your partner than your partner gives to you

Codependent behavior is often called “caretaking behavior” because of the way codependent people take care of others, even those who are hurtful. Some codependents believe that they are not worthy of love. Others cannot trust the love that is provided to them. As a result, codependent behavior can include giving more to a partner, or to others, than to the self. Denying one’s own needs by placing the needs of others at a higher priority is a typical codependent behavior. When this behavior persists long term.

Long Term Consequences

Living in a codependent relationship can be damaging to all areas of health in mind, body, and spirit. When codependent relationships become extremely damaging, individuals might turn to self-harming behaviors to cope with the trauma of their circumstances. Thankfully, the codependent pattern can be broken. With treatment and therapy, there can be recovery and regrowth, developing new patterns for healthy relationships.

The Guest House Ocala offers private treatment for trauma, addictions, and related mental health issues. Customized treatment plans are created on a concierge basis to provide support for each of your specific needs. For information, call us today: 1-855-483-7800.