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What Are the Benefits of the Spirit2Spirit Healing Model?

Traditionally, trauma has been treated like any other mental illness, even though it’s not an illness at all. Traditional methods are not always effective because they do not take soul wounds into account. The Guest House is proud to offer the world-renowned Spirt2Spirit Healing program, designed to help you fully heal trauma from the insideRead More

The Impact of Intergenerational Trauma

Family is an integral part of who we are. Our experiences with family help shape how we see, feel, and think about ourselves and the world. Maybe you remember all the times family members said you have your great-uncle’s eyes or you are just like your grandmother in all her anxious angst. Our similarities toRead More

What Does ‘Shadow Work’ Mean?

Everyone has memories, experiences, and thoughts about themselves that bring them down. These low aspects make up your “shadow” and often live in the unconscious part of your mind. Shadow work can help you bring these aspects to the surface, where they can be healed. Carl Jung and Shadow Work Shadow work is a conceptRead More

Survivor’s Guilt and Trauma

Trauma can have a profound effect on you, fostering a wide variety of side effects that impede your life. However, one of the most common side effects of trauma is survivor’s guilt. While survivor’s guilt can be a normal reaction to a tragic event, if left untreated, it can be detrimental to your psychological well-being.Read More

How Trauma Is Linked to Addictive Behavior

Traumatic experiences and events can be difficult to process. Regulating your emotions following an adverse experience can be overwhelming. Therefore, if you are feeling overwhelmed by feelings and thoughts surrounding trauma, it can lead you to self-medicate with substances. The Relationship Between Trauma and Substance Use Disorder According to a publication by the Substance AbuseRead More

Did Trauma Cause My Addiction?

Traumatic experiences can have a high correlation with substance abuse later on in life. These experiences often happen in childhood, but they can also occur in the teenage and adult years. In order to heal from addiction, it’s important to get to the root cause, which is often trauma. What Is Trauma? The Substance AbuseRead More

How to Identify Adoption Trauma

There is no universal definition of trauma. Therefore, a source of trauma many do not consider is adoption trauma. You may question how you could have adoption trauma, even if you have a wonderful relationship with your adoptive family. At The Guest House, we know trauma can come in the form of lost identity. WhileRead More

How Childhood Attachment Trauma Can Harm Adult Relationships

Do you find it difficult to trust people? Are you afraid the people in your life are going to leave you? Does it feel difficult to build and maintain relationships? While everyone’s experiences are different, the trauma you experience in your childhood can have a direct effect on the relationships you form in adulthood. WhatRead More

Why Trauma Therapy Is a Key Aspect of Addiction Treatment

It is well known that when we experience trauma in our lives, it can lead to maladaptive coping, leading to addiction. Focusing on trauma therapy allows us to understand the impact of our traumas. It also helps us to learn new coping mechanisms that can help us to lead healthy and sober lives. What IsRead More

How Can I Start Talking About My Trauma?

Life transformed by trauma can often seem unsafe and bleak. Even worse, the emotional burden can weigh down a person in many different ways. One of the first steps in healing trauma is acknowledging the effects, which can be frightening. However, with the right treatment and support, you can begin to process traumatic events andRead More