Sometimes you hit a point in your life where anxiety overpowers all the positive thoughts and goals you have set for yourself. You know that there is a way out; however, you struggle with what direction to take next. It is common for people to experience anxiety and to feel like there is no way out. The thoughts continue to surface, but you struggle with where to turn.
You want to understand and explore the triggers of your anxiety. It could be as simple as changing a thought or as big as changing locations. Whatever is causing your anxiety, there is hope. You can learn to change your thinking patterns and choose healthy coping skills that will change your life. This article will teach you healthy ways to handle your anxiety during recovery.
How Did I Get Anxiety in Recovery?
You decided to enter treatment and experienced support you have never had before. Self-reflection was deep, and you gave it all you had. The experience was priceless, and your life became worth the effort. At this point, you may find yourself experiencing anxiety. These feelings are not what you expected in recovery, and you are not sure how to navigate them.
Occasional anxiety is normal for everybody. Anxiety is internal and reacts to your stress levels. You are in a new part of your journey, and there are many things that you can feel stressed out about. You may have experienced stress over your new life or the expectations that you put on yourself. Perhaps you feel that you do not want to disappoint others and are stressed about that.
You did not wake up one day and find that anxiety had popped out of the blue. Anxiety stems from your body responding to what it perceives as stressful situations. Take a moment and think about the areas in your life that stress you out. Think about the way your body is reacting to that stress and identify the root of your anxiety.
Tips on How to Decrease Anxiety
Society seems to want everything yesterday and learning how to decrease anxiety is no different. You did not get to this space overnight. Anxiety is a build-up of all the stress that you have in your life. Let’s face it; life is hard. When you add recovery to daily responsibilities, it can add stress to your life.
Understanding that you have control over how you handle your anxiety can give you a sense of freedom. You do not have to give anxiety permission to stay, and with a few simple tools, you can create less stress in your life.
- Breathe: Take a few moments and fill your lungs with air. Breathe a deep sigh out. Do this for several rounds and feel your mind and body relax.
- Recognize the root: What is the source of your anxiety? Can you fix it at this very moment? Take a few minutes and process where you have control in your life.
- Give yourself grace: You have arrived in this moment and are doing a great job in recovery. You may be too hard on yourself and need to relax. Enjoy your journey; after all, you just arrived.
Practice Yoga to Decrease Anxiety
You may continue to worry about things that you have no control over, which can lead to fear. This fear is known as anxiety. You have heard of yoga and may even think you want to try it, but you think you are not flexible enough.
Practicing yoga does not require you to be bendable and can help ease the physical discomfort that anxiety brings. This is a simple practice that can be done at your own pace and in your own time frame. You move with your comfort level while practicing being in the moment. Yoga is a positive tool to decrease anxiety, just for the simple fact that it helps you to stay in the present.
Meditation to Decrease Anxiety
Sometimes you just want a reset for your anxiety. Meditation can be your reset button to wipe away the stress and the things you have no control over. Sometimes anxiety can overtake you in a physical sense. For example, you may notice that you clench your jaw or carry tension in your shoulders. Taking several minutes out of your day to meditate can be your solution and create a sense of calm.
In addition, meditation can help restore your inner peace and bring you to the present moment. Focusing on the present moment and how you feel allows self-awareness to surface. This can also give you a new perspective on stressful situations.
Journaling to Decrease Anxiety
You may find yourself overwhelmed with life’s demands and struggle with how to relieve yourself from all the emotions attached. With just a pen and a piece of paper, you can get started. You have control over what words you put on paper. The thoughts can pour out of your brain. Also, when you journal, your thoughts stay private unless you decide you want to share them.
Additionally, journaling is a beautiful tool that can be utilized to reflect on the good, bad, and ugly parts of your life. Think about it as your therapist to see whenever and wherever you want. You don’t even need to make an appointment. There is no right or wrong way to journal. You can write, draw, or even create. Your journal can be just as unique as you are.
You may find yourself worrying about things that you cannot control. Sometimes you may feel so anxious that you feel that you cannot breathe. You desire to decrease your anxiety; however, you struggle with not knowing who you can trust or where to go. Hope can be found within yourself, and you can make little changes in your lifestyle that can make a world of difference. There are many ways to reduce stress and guide you to a more balanced mentality. You want direction on which way to turn. The Guest House offers guidance by teaching you healthy coping strategies that fit your lifestyle. We invite you to contact us at (855) 483-7800 to learn more.