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Coping With Anxiety During the Holidays: Tips for Trauma Survivors

Millions of people with substance use disorder (SUD) have trauma-related mental health issues. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “Violence, abuse, neglect, and family or social conflict are among the traumatic events and circumstances that are linked with the risk of developing a substance use disorder.” Additionally, SUD and related mental healthRead More

Navigating the Link Between Social Anxiety and Substance Use: A Trauma-Specific Approach

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), approximately 21.5 million adults in the U.S. alone have a co-occurring mental health disorder and substance use disorder (SUD). The prevalence of co-occurring SUD and other mental health disorders is due to their shared bidirectional relationship. On one hand, SUD increases your risk ofRead More

Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques to Calm Anxiety as an Alumnus

If you’re struggling with trying to calm anxiety, it may feel like others don’t struggle at all. However, anxiety is an extremely common feeling. During treatment, you probably learned how to process your emotions and practice healthy coping skills when anxiety surfaces. However, this isn’t always easy. As a child, you may have been taughtRead More

5 Healthy Ways to Combat Anxiety at The Guest House

Everyone experiences anxiety at one point or another. Still, it can creep up on you and confuse you if you don’t know where it’s coming from or how to alleviate it. Fortunately, there are many healthy ways to combat anxiety. At The Guest House, we understand how symptoms affect the human body. We know thatRead More

Grounding Practices for Stress and Anxiety

Experiencing trauma can have an impact on your body that lasts long after the traumatic event has passed. Lingering trauma symptoms can include feelings of stress and anxiety. Additionally, addiction can be a sign of unresolved trauma. Grounding practices include a mix of techniques that can go a long way toward helping you process traumaRead More

How Do I Work Through Anxiety When Trying Something New?

Your heart is beating so loud that you think others can hear it, your palms are sweaty, and anxiety is rolling throughout your body. Does this sound familiar when trying something new? If so, you are not alone. According to the National Insititute of Mental Health (NIMH), at least 31% of people will experience anxietyRead More

Could My Sleeping Habits Be Affecting My Moods?

Thinking about going to sleep may put a smile on your face. However, for some people, the idea of going to sleep can cause anxiety. For others, sleeping means a chance to avoid life’s problems. These examples show why achieving a balance in your sleeping habits is essential for living your best life. Sleep isRead More

Healing Trauma: Addressing Anxiety Beyond the Symptoms

There are many myths and misconceptions about anxiety. As the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) notes, many people assume that individuals with anxiety are just worrywarts. However, anxiety is deeply connected to trauma as a physical and psychological response to traumatic experiences. Therefore, trauma-specific approaches to anxiety can support healing. Moreover, trauma-specific approachesRead More

Fear of the Unknown: 3 Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety

Everyone has experienced fear at some point in their lives. No one is exempt from this feeling. It is also common to have a fear of the unknown. Unfortunately, fearing the unknown can prevent you from living life to the fullest. However, if you examine the root of your fear of the unknown, this willRead More

Effective Techniques for Managing Social Anxiety in Recovery

Managing social anxiety in recovery may seem like an impossible task. However, understanding this condition and creating a solid action plan can go a long way toward helping you overcome it. Managing Social Anxiety: A Complex Issue According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), social anxiety disorder is characterized by the “persistent fearRead More