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Opening up about your addiction and recovery to your loved ones can be challenging for some people. There are many reasons you may be nervous about opening up. Some might be hesitant for fear of judgment. Even now, in recovery, there will be people who judge you for your past addiction. There will be people who do not understand your goals, your recovery or see your potential. Learning to be okay with that is powerful.

However, you probably have people surrounding you who love and support you. Those people would probably love to learn more about your recovery, how you are feeling, and what you are working towards. It is those people that you could consider opening up to.

Sharing your story and opening up about your recovery can help you build connections and strengthen your relationships. Learning to trust people and understand that they will not judge you can be hard. Focus on the healthy relationships in your life. As you consider opening up about your recovery to your loved ones, here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Start Small

If you are nervous about opening up about your recovery, consider starting small. Talk about the things that you are comfortable sharing. Maybe you want to talk about what the facility was like or how the food was. Did you make any friends or connections while in treatment?

When you start small, you can build your comfort level. Starting small also helps your loved ones. They may not know how to support you or how they should react to all the details about your recovery. Starting small helps everyone to build a comfort level, which can strengthen that relationship.

Acknowledge how you are feeling as you begin to open up about your recovery. Are you feeling anxious? Nervous? Supported? It is important that you are opening up because you want to. Go at your own pace and begin with what you are comfortable with.

Talk About Your Goals

Talk to your loved ones about your goals. What are you working on? What are you focusing on? Why are you working towards those goals? When you can explain and talk about your goals, it helps other people understand your journey and process better.

If your loved ones have never experienced addiction or recovery, they probably have little idea about what you may be working on. They probably have very little idea as to what recovery even means, let alone what you are going through. This is your time to explain that to them. Where do you want to see yourself a year from now? What about five years from now?

Mention the Good and the Bad

If you feel comfortable, try to talk about both the positive and the negative. Mention what went well and what was really hard to work through. Talking about your recovery in a realistic and whole light will help you strengthen your relationships. Your bonds with your loved ones will grow as you open up and talk about your journey.

Plan It Out

If you are nervous about discussing your recovery or anything related to your addiction with your loved ones, try to plan out what you want to say. Decide what you want to talk about and who you want to talk to. You may find it helpful to write out the major points you want to cover or some of the things you want to say. For many, being in the moment and slightly nervous can cause points to be forgotten or glossed over. If something is important to you, try to get it out and talk about it.

Journals can be amazing. Writing in a journal can help you organize your thoughts, express yourself, and notice patterns in your behavior. If you are nervous about having a conversation, consider writing it down in the form of a letter. Expressing yourself is a unique process. Do whatever feels right for you.

Talk About Only What You Are Comfortable With

If you want to talk about some topics and not others, that is perfectly okay. You are in control of what you share about your recovery. You are also in control of who you share it with. Never cave in to pressure. You do not have to share anything if you do not want to. Think about what will benefit your mental health and your recovery. If something does not benefit your journey, then don’t do it. Work with your therapist to talk through these situations and feel better prepared.

Sharing your recovery process with your loved ones can be beneficial. Being open and honest can help you rebuild and strengthen these relationships and connections. If you are nervous about sharing, consider planning out your conversation or writing it down. Focus on starting small and gaining your confidence. You can talk about your goals and try to mention both the good and the bad aspects of your journey. Recovery is a lifelong process, and your loved ones can offer you comfort and support. Building confidence in your journey will help you to feel able to open up and acknowledge your progress. Here at The Guest House, our staff helps people face the daily challenges that arise throughout recovery. We can help you at any stage of your recovery journey. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options and how we can support your recovery journey at (855) 483-7800.