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What Is a Substance Addition Residential Team?

When considering addiction treatment, you may think of therapists, psychiatrists, and other mental health and medical professionals. Although these individuals play vital roles in your recovery, they are not the only ones who will be important to you.

In order to recover successfully, you need a team of caring professionals with diverse skillsets. This type of treatment structure can help ensure that you receive the care you need for a successful recovery. Your treatment team also allows you to learn more about yourself through different avenues. This is why it takes a wide variety of trained professionals to care for you. There may even be individuals you would have never considered a vital part of your recovery.

Residential Team Members

Individuals who work as residential team members play a significant role in your treatment and recovery. This team is made up of individuals who work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the kind of care you need and that all your needs are met. Their care does not end when you leave a rehab program, however. They continue to ensure that you are cared for even when leaving the treatment facility.

For example, a program director ensures that clients are assigned to meet with particular departments and staff members who can help them with their various, specific needs. Similarly, a case manager will monitor your progress and collaborate with other departments. Frequently, a case manager can also assist with legal matters, working with courts and probation officers as needed. They also carefully plan aftercare so you will continue to move forward with your recovery after your time in the treatment facility ends.

Residential team members care immensely for your well-being and ensure you get the treatment you need. Without them, you would not receive the personalized care you need while in residential treatment. They ensure that the personal treatment plan developed for you is carried out and that you get the unique tools you need to succeed in recovery. With your residential team, you know you are in good hands.

Although you may consider therapists the primary part of your treatment team, the reality is that you need a diverse group of people to ensure that you recover. Residential team members ensure that your individualized treatment plan is carried out. They monitor your progress and help you feel cared for and supported. Our residential staff here at The Guest House are well-trained, caring professionals who want to ensure your well-being. With our residential staff, you can feel confident that all of your needs will be met. Call us today at (855) 483-7800.