New Year’s Eve is synonymous with being a night of partying, spending time with friends, and drinking. Even if you are not new to recovery and sobriety, New Year’s Eve can be a night of temptation. Learning how to face nights like these is a huge part of successful recovery and maintaining your overall well-being.
Everyone will handle New Year’s Eve differently because everyone is facing their own triggers and temptations. Take time to prepare yourself and set yourself up for success. Work with a mental health professional to establish the best and safest action plan for you to follow. Here are a few suggestions on how to maintain your sobriety on New Year’s Eve.
#1. Host Your Own Party
Hosting your own party is a fabulous way to spend your New Year’s Eve for many different reasons. When you are hosting the party, you are in control of the atmosphere and the behaviors that are present. As the host, you can invite only those people you are comfortable with and those who know about your goals and sobriety. You can decide what will and will not be allowed or present at the party.
Hosting your own party puts you in control. Having solid boundaries will help you immensely on nights such as New Year’s Eve. Be firm about what you will and will not allow at your party. The people who are healthy for you to be around will understand and want to abide by the boundaries you have set because the boundaries are there to help you stay safe and healthy. Those who love will want you to maintain your well-being and sobriety.
#2. Stay Home
While New Year’s Eve is known as the biggest party night of the year, that does not mean you need to participate in it. Staying home and doing other activities that you enjoy are healthy and safe options to help you maintain your sobriety. Putting your mental health first is a significant part of the recovery process. Understanding what situations may not be healthy for you ahead of time is a great skill to have.
Gather your best blanket and watch the ball drop in New York City on your TV. Others may find a movie marathon a great evening plan to do alone or with loved ones. Your life changed tremendously when you decided to seek treatment for your addiction and mental health issues.
What your New Year’s Eve looked like while you were struggling with active addiction will look different than it does now that you are in recovery. Find comfort and joy in that change. You worked incredibly hard to face your addiction. Continue to set yourself up for success, and don’t place yourself in situations you are not ready for.
#3. Attend a Sober Event
Many organizations plan sober events for New Year’s Eve. Many treatment centers and programs offer events that night to give people living a sober lifestyle a safe, social, and fun night. Many cities sponsor large public events on New Year’s Eve, and these evenings don’t include alcohol. If you are nervous about the night and the unknown that you may come across, then consider choosing a sober event. You will have the opportunity to meet others in recovery and make new connections and relationships.
#4. Choose an Event Not Centered Around Alcohol
Your night does not need to consist of going to a bar, club, or house party filled with alcohol. Consider other fun activities to do with your night that have nothing to do with partying or substances. Maybe you want to go to a movie, travel to a new place, or attend some other type of event. Think about what you would enjoy the most and still stay healthy and safe while doing it.
#5. Celebrate During the Day
There are many different daytime activities planned that take place on December 31. You may find the daytime activities to be better suited to your comfort level. There are typically events planned at zoos, museums, and schools. Do not push yourself into a situation that you don’t feel ready to face.
Many people feel as if they should be able to handle anything, that to be successful in recovery, you need to be successful in any environment. That is simply not true. Your recovery is a life-long process. Do what you feel comfortable doing, and always keep your goals in mind.
#6. Have an Escape Plan
Always have a plan in place for how to leave a situation if you find yourself feeling uncomfortable. Communicate your escape plan to your support system, and know your limits. Establish in what situations you will leave and what behaviors you should not be around for the sake of your mental health and sobriety.
New Year’s Eve is a night that is often associated with events and parties. If you are in recovery, this could be a night filled with temptation or pushed boundaries. Work with a mental health provider to establish the best course of action for maintaining your sobriety through the holiday. Some people may find that hosting a party helps them to maintain boundaries. Others may find that events other than a party are the best choice for them. Others may decide not to participate in New Year’s Eve at all. Here at The Guest House, we understand that recovery looks different for everyone. Figuring out the best course of action for your recovery can sometimes be difficult, and you may feel unsure. Know that you are not alone and that we are here to help you work through difficult moments. Call us today to learn more about how we can support you at (855) 483-7800.