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How Healing From Trauma and Learning to Forgive Can Help With Long-Term Recovery

Many times in life, we hear that unresolved traumatic events can lead to a dark existence. When unresolved trauma gets to that point, it will affect your physical and emotional well-being. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with the emotional pain. For some of those people, substance use becomes substance abuse.

Thankfully, many people understand what unresolved trauma at its core can do to your life, and they want to help you resolve those traumatic events so you can move past them — they want to be a candle in your darkness. When you can resolve traumatic events in your life and learn to forgive yourself and others, your chances of overcoming addiction and embracing a sober lifestyle increase dramatically.

Effects of Unresolved Trauma

If you have experienced a traumatic event,  you may feel as if your life is disorganized and in disarray. You might feel down on yourself and burdened physically and emotionally because you were hurt or disappointed in the past. You may feel as if your life is in a state of decay. If your past traumatic experiences remain unaddressed and unresolved, you will only begin to feel. Unresolved trauma can consume you and cause you to look at life in a negative way.

Unresolved trauma increases your risk of having mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, trauma has also been linked to chronic health conditions. According to Harvard Health Publishing’s article “Past Trauma May Haunt Your Future Health,” past traumatic events can make you more prone to health conditions, including strokes, heart attacks, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Releasing Your Sadness

When you begin to address your trauma, you will find that mental health conditions like depression and anxiety improve. You may feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You will feel a greater sense of control over your life, and you may find that your physical health improves. In addition, you can learn to become more forgiving.

Often, individuals who struggle with substance use disorder (SUD) will have experienced trauma in their past, and they may find it difficult to let go of negative feelings and difficult situations. Those who struggle with trauma may find it difficult to forgive others or forgive themselves. They may build up emotional barriers as protection against additional emotional pain; ironically, those walls can trap them in the past. However, when you learn to forgive yourself and others, you may find that your physical and mental health begins to improve.

Trauma and Forgiveness

If you struggle with unresolved trauma, it’s because you’ve been through an extremely painful experience. If you have developed SUD as a result, you may harbor resentment and anger. The notion of forgiving anyone, especially the people who hurt you, could be the furthest thing from your mind.

You don’t have to let the trauma consume you; you can work with a mental health professional to work through and resolve the trauma. Learning to forgive the people who have hurt you, as well as yourself, can help you become a better version of yourself. Then, while you may not ever forget the traumatic event, it will not consume you; it will remain a part of your story but not dominate your life. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, and it doesn’t mean that you need to be in contact with people who have hurt you in the past. It does mean that people and events in your history that caused you harm will no longer control you.

The Importance of Forgiveness

Forgiveness gives you the ability to treat others with compassion, even the people who have wronged you or put you through a traumatic event. Learning to forgive is a process, and it’s not going to happen overnight. Forgiveness is a practice that needs to be learned, like learning to ride a bicycle.

When you do the work to become healthier both emotionally and physically, you can reflect upon and remember the event without it bringing negativity into your day-to-day life. In addition, learning forgiveness and letting go of the past may allow you to take down your emotional barriers and form better connections with the people in your present.

Find Help Today

Many mental health professionals, and people who have been where you are now, understand why substance abuse is part of your life. They understand that unresolved trauma played a significant part in why you began to abuse drugs or alcohol in the first place. Working to resolve your past trauma is essential for overcoming your substance abuse. Doing so can enable you to forgive, freeing you from your painful past. This can allow you to move forward in recovery and embrace a life free from substance abuse.

Unresolved trauma can cause you to remain stuck in painful events from your past. It can also cause you to develop substance use disorder (SUD). At The Guest House, we offer trauma-specific treatment for SUD and co-occurring mental health issues. We will guide you in understanding and resolving traumatic events from your past, enabling you to move forward in your life. Once you complete treatment, you may still need support. Trauma does not always heal overnight. Our alumni program encourages ongoing growth and development as you readjust to daily life and ensures that you can always connect with someone who understands. We want you to know that you’re never alone in your recovery. For more information on the hope and help we can offer you on our serene estate located in Central Florida, call The Guest House today at (855) 483-7800.