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Overcoming Negative Thinking as an Alumnus: 4 Essential Steps

Negative thinking can have a major impact on your overall well-being. Harmful thought processes can contribute to stress, depression, and anxiety. They can also impact recovery. It is easy to get caught up in repetitive thought processes but hard to be aware of those thinking patterns. Understanding that there is help for you is key to changing your negative thinking.

This blog post will discuss four easy steps for overcoming negative thinking patterns and how to embrace a different way of thinking. Finally, the post will discuss how developing connections through The Guest House can reinforce positive thinking.

#1. Decrease Negative Thinking With Mindfulness

Have you ever tried to drive in a rainstorm with bald tires? The impact can be significant. No matter how slowly you drive, without the proper tires on your vehicle, you may still hydroplane. Especially if the rain is coming down hard or strong winds are present, it can feel impossible to triumph over the situation.

The experience with negative thinking is similar. It is easy to tell yourself that you should not think X, Y, and Z; however, you continue to slip back into that negative thinking pattern. This is where mindfulness comes in and can be a game-changer for negative thinking.

Learn to Recognize Negative Thinking in the Moment

Mindfulness teaches us to focus on the present without any sort of judgment. This is a space of complete awareness about what your surroundings are. The goal is not to eliminate negative thoughts but to recognize that they are there. Recognizing negative thoughts has value because then you can question whether or not you want to entertain those thoughts.

Negative thinking can have a major impact on your overall quality of life. Mindfulness can decrease your negative thought processes and guide you toward a healthier version of yourself.

#2. Label Your Negative Thinking Through Journaling

Research proves time and time again that journaling improves health and wellness. Recording your negative thoughts and feelings can do wonders for decreasing negative thinking. For example, if you set aside 15 minutes of your day and have a “vent session” in your journal, this can release the negative feelings you are harboring.

Additionally, doing this activity can help you understand what is real and exaggerated in your brain. You will have something to refer back to and recognize how far you have come in your journey of mindfulness.

#3. Replace Negative Thoughts With Positivity

Positive thinking does not mean you completely ignore life’s happenings around you. What it does mean is that you approach situations from a different point of view. You can start to change your thinking processes so that the best things will happen in your life, not the worst. Research published in Behaviour Research and Therapy shows that positive thinking has a significant effect on physical and mental health.

Positivity often starts with recognizing your self-talk. Take several minutes and think about how you feel about yourself. What is the dialogue you have about yourself? If you are thinking more optimistically, then you are practicing positive thinking. On the other hand, if your thoughts lean towards the negative side, then you tend to be pessimistic. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, you always have the choice to practice positive thinking. You always have room to become better than you were yesterday.

#4. Small Steps Equal Big Changes

When you were in treatment, the thought of long-term sobriety may have caused you to fear the future. Remember that recovery is not a destination; it’s a journey. Every day counts. All the little things you change can equate to big success in the long run. It takes courage to change your life and humility to recognize the changes you need to make.

Everything you do now will make your tomorrow better. This includes the little and big things. Just remember to take it one day at a time and show yourself compassion in all things. If you find yourself struggling, The Guest House will meet you where you are at with individual therapy. With guidance, you can become the best version of yourself.

Being an Alumnus at The Guest House

It is not always easy to be in recovery. Every day may seem like a struggle and you may think you are alone in this battle. At The Guest House, we understand this struggle. Some of our staff members have been in that same situation and will be there for you every step of the way.

We offer an alumni program that will connect you to others who have experienced life events similar to yours. You are free to participate as much or as little as you desire. There is never pressure as we meet you right where you are at in your journey.

It is easy to get caught up in negative cycles of thinking. Sometimes you may not even realize you are thinking negatively. Any change in life can be difficult. However, the first step in making a change is recognizing the need for it and showing up. You are already halfway there. Negative thoughts can have an effect on all parts of your life. You have come too far to allow your thoughts to destroy what you have accomplished. At The Guest House, we know about the power of the mind. We have many specialized therapists who will meet you where you are at. If you or someone you know is struggling, give us a call at (855) 483-7800 today.