Can Creative Writing Give Me a New Perspective on Life?

When we’re feeling as though everything is falling apart, many people turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms – such as alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, shopping, and more. They hope that what they’re doing will distract them from the pain they’re experiencing or provide them with some form of relieve. While this main work temporarily, the reality is that our life problems will still remain. It’s not a matter of getting rid of these problems as it is working through them; as human beings, our mind, body, and spirit makes up our lived experiences and it’s essentially these aspects of ourselves that need nurture and healing. Part of integrative holistic wellness care is just that – finding healthy outlets that bring a person close to themselves, not further away from themselves.

When we use creativity, we open our minds to a world full of curiosity, learning, and adventure. Creative writing compels us to uncover within ourselves what hasn’t yet been discovered, and to depths which haven’t yet been reached. Creative writing can involve planned prompts or can be a spontaneous venture with which to grow from. If you’ve never tried creative writing, you may find it stretches your mind in ways that daily responsibilities often can’t. Previous research has shown that creative writing can give individuals new perceptions, even helping alleviate some symptoms of mental illness. A 2017 review published in the journal Cancer Cytopathology, authors noted that the narrative reconstruction component of creative writing can help individuals find relief from pain, anxiety, and depression, which can have a major toll on a person’s mind, body, and spirit.

Take, for example, the following creative writing prompts:

  • Outside the Window – write about what you see right now. What do you hear? What colors are in your line of view?
  • Write a poem about what you had for breakfast this morning
  • Envision a dragon. Do you battle the dragon, or is the dragon friendly? If you battle the dragon, how do you fight?
  • Write the sweetest poem or story you can come up with

The best part about creative writing is that you don’t have to explicitly write about problem areas in your life in order for you to gain a new perspective. In fact, the very act of creativity incites a new perspective – one that can enrich your life.

No two people recover the same way. Experiential, creative therapies can help us find the expression and emotional experiencing we need to heal from our traumas. That’s why at The Guest House Ocala, we offer concierge customized treatment plans to meet the unique needs of every guest. For information on our residential programs of care for traumas, addictions, and related mental health issues, call us today: 855-483-7800