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Can Injuries Lead to Triggers or Relapse?

Opioids are painkillers prescribed to treat pain that is chronic or severe. OxyContin, Vicodin, and heroin are examples of opioid drugs that people may use. These drugs are highly addictive and prone to causing deadly overdoses. As opioids are prescribed, an increasing amount of people are familiar with opioid addiction. They may stop taking them, but they also cause withdrawal, which keeps the circle going unless the person can get through withdrawal and not continue using the drugs. When someone suffers an injury or has pain, they may not want to stop using the drug, in spite of addiction, because, at least, their pain is under control and they are not suffering. Find out how to break the cycle of triggers and relapse for people who suffer from injuries or pain in recovery. 

How Opioids Work

Painkillers are prescribed to treat pain that is chronic or severe as well as injuries. A person who is sick or has chronic pain from injuries is more likely to become addicted to opioids. As opioids are prescribed with some frequency lately, people are suffering the consequences more and more. A few people may even turn to heroin if their prescription is stopped so they can experience pain relief. 

Hidden Numbers

Prescription opioid abuse quadrupled in the late ’90s into present times. This goes along with increased prescriptions and illegal distribution. Almost 2 million Americans abused or were dependent on prescription opioids. Hundreds of millions of people struggle with opioid opioid use and end up addicted, needing additional support or treatment to get off the drugs. A typical person who is using opioid drugs is a white woman in her 40s or older, although abuse is prevalent amongst so many adult demographics. Cultural factors must be looked at when it seems midwestern and southern states are experiencing increased numbers of opioid patients. 

Sports Injuries

Career athletes are more likely to experience drug abuse than others, due to suffering from injuries. Steroids are one thing that comes to mind but the substances most commonly abused in professional sports are prescription opioids. Destructive powers are often doubled because they are rewarded by their bodies for engaging in strenuous physical activity. Prescription drug abuse is a systemic problem with professional athletes due to the chemical relationship. Most of them are in great shape, but the benefits come with a downside. Mental health issues may arise later in their lives as a result of brain or body injuries they sustain playing sports.

Relapse Triggers

Existing or new injuries can cause athletes to find themselves without an outlet because they are unable to play sports but not work out like they used to, either. They turn to drugs or alcohol as a means of coping. Prescription opioids are a way to handle the pain and mental health issues, along with isolation or depression. Addiction may come years later or may come during their time on the field. Injuries or re-injuries can trigger drug abuse and pose a high risk for that person. Dual diagnosis treatment programs are the best bet for people with addiction issues to recover well and find hope. 

Guest House is a place to come for support around dual diagnosis, chronic pain, addiction, and healing. No matter who you are or whether or not you were an athlete, military personnel, or someone who fell into addiction after an injury, we provide support for you. We offer therapeutic intervention, detox, and rehab that helps you navigate healing with support. For more information on sober living programs for men and women as well as recovery programs, call 855-483-7800.