After completing treatment, you have arrived at the point where you want to celebrate your accomplishments. You are proud of yourself for letting go of your addiction and continuing to work on yourself. Who you have become during this journey is something to be celebrated. Recovery has many milestones, and each one deserves to be recognized; after all, you did an enormous amount of work to be in this space.
When the word celebrate comes to mind, what do you think? Balloons, cake, and fun come to mind for many people. Luckily for you, how you decide to honor yourself is your choice.
This article will guide you in celebrating your recovery daily, monthly, or even yearly. You will choose what makes the most sense to you.
National Recovery Month
September is National Recovery Month. According to the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP), the goal throughout September is to create unity, celebrate recovery, and offer hope to those still struggling with addiction. Facilities across the United States generate awareness and a gentle reminder that recovery is possible with connection and a desire to grow within yourself.
Daily Gratitude
Adjusting to your new lifestyle is an immense transition. You spent time investigating who you were and the person you desired to be. Examining all the aspects of your life you are grateful for is a positive way to celebrate your recovery every day. Many people who practice gratitude express the idea that doing so fills the mind with hope and awareness for all the positives surrounding them.
Resentments can fester at any time during your recovery. Practicing gratitude daily decreases resentment and fosters a positive mindset. In addition, gratitude is a humble and thankful space of mind. You have worked hard to get to this place, and you deserve to be happy when celebrating your recovery.
Sober Birthday
You have worked hard during your recovery. You want to show others how hard you worked and the change that has manifested from the inside out. This is a great time to recognize positive strides within your life.
Celebrating your successes as you celebrate your sober birthday can be great fun. Having a party with the people closest to you who have supported your journey could be a great way to celebrate your accomplishments and acknowledge their support. Another way to celebrate your sober birthday is to pamper yourself. Treat yourself to something out of the norm for you. For example, spend a day at the spa or rest in nature.
Choosing to share your sober birthday with others holds you accountable and reinforces the relationships that have supported you along the way.
Celebrate Milestones
Whether you are celebrating one week of being in recovery or one year doesn’t matter; every day is an accomplishment. Take several minutes to reflect on the milestones that you have achieved.
Milestones show you times when you stayed substance-free, even when it was tough. Remember the times in your life when you were stronger than you imagined. Each time you resist the urge to drink or use will teach you something different from the last. After all, you are given this space to take a moment to pause and acknowledge your achievement with a sense of gratitude.
Volunteer Your Time
You have arrived at a space in your recovery that you are eager to celebrate. Why not celebrate your recovery by volunteering at a place that means something to you? It is important to fill your time by engaging in activities that bring fulfillment and meaning to your life.
Finding positive ways to give back helps to decrease feelings of boredom and negative thoughts. Volunteering can increase your self-esteem. When you are doing good for others, you can reflect on the good parts within yourself.
There are so many ways that you can volunteer your time. People meet outside of recovery to focus on a common goal and explore interests. This leads to connectivity and a sense of accomplishment.
Alumni Network
The Guest House offers an alumni program after you leave treatment. The goal is to continue to construct a positive recovery environment with the building blocks you learned in treatment. You can engage as much or as little as you desire.
The Alumni network offers opportunities for you to grow within your recovery and engage in social activities that include:
- Alumni and group meetings
- Online sessions for remote support
- Recovery-oriented activities
- Structured events
- Volunteer opportunities
- Sober sponsors and mentors
- Chemical dependency education
- Relapse prevention support
- Mental health support
Connection within recovery is the key to unconditional love and support, no matter what phase you are in. You are in charge of how you will celebrate your recovery. You are empowered daily because, above all else, you choose yourself. Maintaining positive support in your life will help you stay on track and continue moving in the direction you desire.
From the first moment you stepped foot into treatment, you were not alone. You were surrounded by encouraging people who celebrated your accomplishments every step of the way. You want to carry on that tradition and celebrate your recovery milestones. It is time for you to connect with others who are just as excited to celebrate you as you are excited to celebrate yourself. You are dedicated to yourself and exploring yourself more each day. At The Guest House, we offer resources to help you celebrate your recovery. We will meet you right you are and always come from a place of unconditional support. Give us a call at (855) 483-7800 to learn more.