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If you struggle with your mental health or addiction, setting goals is an integral part of recovery. While setting goals is a great activity, learning to stick with those goals is even more important. Here are a few tips for learning how to stick with the goals you have set for yourself.

Write Them Down

When you decide on a goal that you want to work towards, write it down. Grab a piece of paper and pen, and physically write down your goal. After you write it down, stick that piece of paper somewhere that you see all the time. Maybe you will post your goal on the refrigerator, while others may choose to post their goals on the mirror in the bathroom. Put your goal wherever you will notice it often.

Create Deadlines

If you are setting significant goals, it can be helpful to create smaller goals that will help you reach your large goal. Put deadlines on each step that is going to take you to your big goal. When we have deadlines in place, that adds extra pressure that keeps us moving forward.

Establish Rewards 

Rewards tend to be very psychologically pleasing. Tell yourself that when you reach a certain point, you will get a specific reward. Choose rewards that you have been wanting. Maybe you have wanted to purchase something for a long time. Tell yourself that when you hit a specific goal, you can buy it.

Include Your Support System

Having a solid support system in place can be highly beneficial. Your support system should know your goals and what you are working towards. The people who make up your support system can help you to stay accountable and on track.

While it is essential to be able to work towards your goals on your own, everyone can benefit from help and support at times. Talk openly with the people in your support network and let them help you along your journey towards your goals.

Setting goals is an integral part of recovery. Goals give you something to push for and focus on during tough times. While setting goals is important, being able to stick with your goals is what matters. Try to establish rewards and create deadlines. Be sure that you write down your goals. Here at The Guest House, we understand that recovery is a life-long journey and that people benefit from support on their recovery journeys. We can help you establish and stick with your goals. Call us today to learn more about how we can support you at (855) 483-7800.