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The #MeToo movement has done a wonderful thing: it hasn’t opened the platform for millions of men and women around the world to talk about their experiences with sexual trauma. Talking about sexual trauma, processings sexual trauma, and healing from sexual trauma is difficult. Time, commitment, patience, and a willingness to feel pain are all required. For the millions of people who neatly compartmentalize their past sexual trauma, suddenly unpacking the trauma and trying to cope again has been overwhelming. Many have reported experiencing their trauma all over again and feeling triggered by the constant coverage occurring in the media. With the right support, however, these men and women can make it through. More importantly, they can find recovery and peace in their lives.

Recognizing trauma on a mainstream level is a turn that many have been waiting for. However, as the topic of trauma becomes more normalized, it is critical to understand that trauma itself and the treatment of trauma does not become normalized. Meaning, trauma is complex and affects the mind, the body, as well as the spirit. Additionally, you, as a partner, are not a treatment professional or trauma specialist- unless you are, and if you are, you know that you can’t ‘treat’ your partner. You can support your partner and love them in a healthy way by following these suggestions.

Put your oxygen mask on first

Airlines give a profound instruction when they tell you, in the case of an emergency, to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. Living with trauma is taxing. People can experience trauma third party when they are constantly exposed to the narrative of trauma. It is impossible for you to be 100% strong all of the time for your partner. Don’t sacrifice your needs. Make sure your needs are met in a way that you need them to be.

Set boundaries and communicate them

Boundaries help define where your ability to give support to your partner begins and ends. Remember, you are not a professional or a specialist. Your partner will need clinical support to process their past trauma in a safe and healthy way. You need to decide for yourself what you are and are not willing to take on. Let your partner know that they are loved and supported, but they you can only provide them with so much. Though your partner may protest and even be hurt at first, you will, in the long run, be greatly benefiting them.

Call The Guest House Ocala today for information on our residential treatment programs for traumas, addictions, and related mental health issues: 1-855-483-7800