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Mindfulness and Adopting New Goals for the Future

Your mental well-being impacts your life in various ways. One way your mental health impacts your life is through your ability to follow through on goals. Many people who have experienced trauma and/or other mental health conditions struggle with accomplishing life goals. Their inner critic resulting from judgment about how they coped to survive may make them feel inferior and less capable.

However, you are capable of achieving your life goals, even if you have experienced trauma, have a mental health condition, or even have a history of maladaptive behaviors. Do not let your past define you or make you believe you are inferior. You are capable of doing great things. At Guest House, we know you are capable and will meet you where you are, helping you to develop the tools to achieve your goals. When you leave treatment, you will not be left alone; we continue to support you through our alumni program.

Mindfulness Helps

One activity that will help you begin to set and achieve goals is mindfulness. According to an article from the National Institute of Health (NIH), mindfulness can boost your self-esteem, improve cognitive function, decrease stress, activate more coping skills, and ease reactivity to triggers.

Believing you are capable is just one part of the process. The next steps include taking time to improve your well-being and setting goals with mindful intention.

Mindfulness Boosts Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a construct based on how you may feel about yourself. When you are focused on things beyond your current circumstances and what you can control, you are likely to feel powerless and overwhelmed. When you take a step back and focus on the here and now, you can discern what you can and cannot do and feel more empowered, thus improving your self-esteem and self-efficacy. You have great abilities, but if you are not paying attention, you will never recognize your self-worth.

Another boost to your self-esteem comes when you are present with others and recognize the importance of quality time and the fact that you are capable of being present even with a history of trauma, mental health conditions, and/or maladaptive behaviors. At Guest House, we focus on you where you are so you can learn how to be present with yourself and your surroundings. We provide a wide range of programs to ensure your success in life after your treatment with us.

Mindfulness Improves Cognitive Function

Not often considered is how important mindfulness is to our ability to think clearly in terms of achievements. With mindfulness, you can start thinking about those academic and professional goals again.

As you pursue those goals, remember to be present with your activities, and you will be better able to achieve those goals. For example, you cannot ace a math test without being present for class and your study times. When you begin to find yourself getting brain fog, think about exactly where you are; note things around you and what you want to take away from the situation. Lifelong learning comes from learning to be present.

Mindfulness Reduces Stress

Mindfulness helps you stay focused on the present and avoid ruminating over things you cannot control. In other words, mindfulness helps you stress less, according to a News in Health article through the NIH. The article continues to explain how many people spend over half their lives not paying attention to their current experience, which makes them considerably less happy. Being present helps you live a happier life and improve your mental well-being.

Mindfulness Eases Reactivity to Triggers

Just as mindfulness reduces stress, mindfulness also helps ease reactivity to triggers. Why? Mindfulness eases your reactivity by helping you stay in the moment, recognize you are safe, and distance yourself from the stressors. Recognizing that you can engage without being reactive emotionally is one critical skill you learn from regularly practicing mindfulness. Be proactive, not reactive.

Goals Can Be Achieved With Mindful Intention

As you pursue recovery and focus on life goals after treatment, learning how to achieve those goals may seem to be a daunting task. However, with mindful intention, you can achieve those goals. Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere. You do not have to be sitting in a lotus pose in a meditation room. You can practice mindfulness in the supermarket while you are checking out. You can practice mindfulness in the classroom when your teacher is lecturing. You can also practice mindfulness in a meeting while trying to stay focused on the speaker. Your focus on the speaker is a mindful act.

So, as you approach life goals after treatment, remember mindfulness is key to your success. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Remember, you are worth it. Stop focusing on the past and what may or may not go wrong. Instead, be present.

Mindfulness can help you achieve your goals. After all, to accomplish something, you must put forth the intention and be present for the experience. Being reactive will not help you achieve your goals. Fortunately, you can learn to be proactive and practice mindfulness to pursue a fulfilling life after treatment. At Guest House, we offer a variety of services to our clients and want to see them succeed, which is why mindfulness and meditation are key aspects of treatment. We also offer the alumni program for those who have graduated and may still need assistance. If you or someone you know is struggling with trauma, mental health issues, or even maladaptive coping behaviors, we are here to help. You can achieve the future you want. Call us at (855) 483-7800 to learn how we can help you develop mindful strategies for a better future. You deserve it.