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The Cyclical Relationship Between Trauma and Addiction

It can be difficult to recognize or understand why you are engaging in self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors. Maladaptive behaviors are often rooted in your life experiences and your emotional responses to them. In particular, traumatic experiences can lead to psychological distress and impede your ability to cope in healthy ways. Therefore, understanding trauma and addictionRead More

The Complicated Understanding of Hallucinogen Addiction

Addiction, as a whole, is very complex and is unique for every client. However, certain types of addictions, such as alcohol addiction, are certainly more common than others. While not often thought of as dangerous drugs or drugs one may fall into addictive habits with, the use and/or abuse of hallucinogens can certainly inform addiction.Read More

How Cinema Therapy Opens up Conversations About Trauma

Cinema therapy opens up conversations about trauma in a very unique way. This modality can be extremely healing and help you describe your personal struggles with less distress than traditional routes. What Is Cinema Therapy? Subjects like trauma, addiction, and mental health are often difficult to discuss. Cinema therapy uses film to encourage participants toRead More

Why You Should Celebrate Your Sober Birthday

If you’re in recovery, keeping track of days, weeks, months, and years of sobriety can be a great motivator. These milestones remind you of how far you have come. Additionally, they serve as a reminder to be grateful for each day that you have been gifted with living a substance-free life. Celebrating your sober birthdayRead More

How to Enjoy a Sober Halloween

Halloween is already right around the corner, with costumes, parties, and spooky festivities. This time of year also means it’s more important than ever to protect your sobriety. With the right tools and guidance, you can enjoy a sober Halloween and have lots of fun. How to Enjoy a Sober Halloween Just like any holiday,Read More