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How Do I Decrease Anxiety in Recovery?

Sometimes you hit a point in your life where anxiety overpowers all the positive thoughts and goals you have set for yourself. You know that there is a way out; however, you struggle with what direction to take next. It is common for people to experience anxiety and to feel like there is no wayRead More

The Dangers of Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder that involves an unhealthy and self-destructive fear of gaining weight. An estimated 0.6% of people in the United States struggle with this disease, and its prevalence among men and women, adults and adolescents, is increasing. If left untreated, anorexia can lead to serious medical complications, including death. AnorexiaRead More

Is Kratom Harmful?

In recent years, the public has become aware of a product called kratom. This natural herb, native to Southeast Asia, can have both positive and negative effects on those who use it. For example, some people use it to ease anxiety or treat chronic pain. However, kratom can also be addictive if used too often.Read More

The Comorbidity of Depression and Substance Abuse

Anyone struggling with depression and substance abuse simultaneously needs compassionate help rather than judgmental criticism. Unfortunately, the negative stigma surrounding depression and substance abuse often means those with substance use disorder (SUD) are less likely to get the support they need. Furthermore, the general misunderstanding of how these two conditions interact makes it harder forRead More

Can Cooking Help People With Depression?

Depression is a difficult disorder to live and cope with. The disorder is also extremely common. Due to the unique nature of mental illness, your experience with depression will not be identical to anyone else’s. Overall, there are some consistent treatment options. One underexplored avenue of treatment is cooking. In this blog, we’ll explore theRead More

What Is the Relationship Between Insomnia and Generalized Anxiety?

It is quite common for those suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) to also suffer from sleep deprivation. This causes many to ask the question, “am I not sleeping because I am anxious, or am I anxious because I am not sleeping?” The truth lies a little bit in both. Sleep deprivation and anxiety disordersRead More

Why Do People With Anxiety Turn to Horror Movies for Comfort?

Halloween was just last month, and for many people, this meant indulging in scary movies. Being scared (safely and healthily) is an often enjoyable and cathartic experience for many people. This can also be true for those suffering from anxiety. What many people do not know is that scary movies can also help to aidRead More

What Does the Depression Serotonin Study Mean for Me?

After a depression serotonin study went viral this summer, many people worried about the impact of the findings on their depression treatment. Let’s look into the results and compare them to another major study published shortly beforehand. The Viral Depression Serotonin Study On 20 July 2022, the scientific journal Molecular Psychiatry published a systematic umbrellaRead More

Does Anxiety Lead to Faster Burnout?

Many mental health issues overlap. We can find this with anxiety and burnout. Given the connection, you may wonder whether anxiety leads to faster burnout. In this blog, we will attempt to answer the question. Understanding Burnout Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t function anymore? You no longer felt motivated. Your performance levelsRead More

Social Anxiety and Substance Abuse

A group of (usually) young adults gathers around at a sporting event, on the back of a pickup truck, or even at the river at the end of a long hike. There’s silence. Everyone looks at each other knowingly. Suddenly you hear the fizzy pop of a bottlecap, foam pours over the top of anRead More