Everyone has the ability to cultivate happiness. However, many people don’t know how to do this. Since no two people are the same, you have to figure out what specifically makes you happy as a unique person. However, there are a number of habits that can help everyone who wants to raise their happiness levels. This article will explore helpful ways to cultivate happiness through mindfulness, adventure therapy, and individual psychotherapy.
Train Your Brain to See Happiness in Recovery
Happiness is a difficult feeling to define as there is no one-size-fits-all description. Happiness is not a constant state. You do not arrive and stay in this mentality. Merriam-Webster defines happiness as a state of well-being and joy. However, just like every other feeling, it will drift away and return.
At times, you may find that happiness eludes you. This is especially easy to notice when you focus on the negative things that you see. Your thought patterns can be the link to negative emotions. Substance abuse can also change your brain and affect your ability to feel positive emotions. This is why it is important to retrain your brain to search for the positive. No matter what the situation, you can find the silver lining. Practicing this will arm you with healthy coping skills when you face difficult times in your recovery.
A positive attitude in recovery can have a significant impact on your life. Observe what is around you and practice gratitude for the things that you see. Positive thinking creates a foundation for happiness in recovery. This thought process will not necessarily change what happens. However, it will change your perspective, and a new perspective leads to new and different feelings.
Be Grateful to Find Happiness in Recovery
Gratitude can play a significant role in your recovery journey. In treatment, you were given a second chance at life. You established new goals, made amends, and rebuilt relationships. Now you can celebrate these milestones, practice gratitude, and lean into the positive areas within your life.
With practicing gratitude, nothing is too small or too big. Look for simple details within your life that make you happy. Think of how this could cultivate happiness in recovery and acknowledge the small sources of support and comfort that surround you. You can also practice happiness in recovery by acknowledging other people’s kindness with a simple thank you or a smile. Celebrate each day that you are in recovery because it is a worthwhile accomplishment in itself.
Perhaps you want to take this a bit further and write down the things within your life that you are grateful for. A gratitude journal is a tangible way to practice gratitude and be aware of your thinking patterns. You can do this any way you would like. For example, if you are an artist, you may want to create, draw, or color. You may enjoy writing in a special pen or finding a journal with bright colors on the cover. When you are having a rough day, you can turn the pages and cultivate happiness in your recovery.
Happiness in Recovery Through Adventure Therapy
All types of therapies can guide you to a place of healing within your recovery. Many people have utilized adventure therapy to boost their happiness in recovery. This form of therapy utilizes building healthy relationships and connections to form deeper, honest bonds within recovery.
Adventure therapy involves engaging in activities with a group of people who become a team. This leads you to connect with others more effectively. It also can help diminish anxiety and depression. A range of mental health issues can improve when you connect with nature and other people through a specific guided activity.
Become Mindful
Mindfulness teaches you to utilize your body’s natural healing powers to reduce stress and cultivate awareness. Through mindfulness, you can recognize the areas in your recovery that need to change. One thing about mindfulness is that no matter where you are, it can go with you. Mindfulness does not require any fancy tools or equipment. All you need is awareness of how your body feels in the moment and a yearning to try something new.
According to Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, practicing mindfulness can affect specific neurotransmitters and prevent relapse. For example, take several moments and be present in this moment. Examine how you feel and are experiencing this moment in all ways. What does your body feel like? What emotions are there under the surface? Being mindful can help you recognize difficult emotions and thoughts in the present, which then allows you to express or rectify them.
Try Individual Therapy
Maybe you are thinking that happiness in recovery is just not that easy for you. Let’s face it, you are not the kind of human that just wakes up and is ready for the day. Perhaps you struggle with trying to find your happiness in recovery. You have faced some tough times and are trying to get your groove back.
Sometimes it can be easier to fake a smile than it is to explain to others why you are struggling. That is okay if it is temporary. However, if you find yourself in a constant state of low-grade depression, individual therapy may be of benefit to you. A trained professional can meet you where you are and guide you to find your inner happiness within recovery. It is okay to not be okay. This is your journey and you get to make the decisions. No matter how you boost your happiness, everything counts.
Happiness is all yours. It cannot be taken from you without your permission. Your feelings and emotions are yours and you have the right to feel any way you want. That is the beauty of cultivating happiness within your life. While it may be a challenge to find happiness on some days, exploring what makes you happy gives life importance and meaning. You can train your brain to look for the positive, become grateful, and engage in therapies that foster an improved outlook. At The Guest house, we value your happiness and want to help lead you in the right direction. If you are having trouble finding happiness, give us a call at (855) 483-7800 today.