Your day at work was bad. The deadlines were missed, and the coffee was spilled. You just want to go home. The walk from the office to your vehicle seems so long that when you open the car door, you breathe a long sigh. Your favorite song comes on, and you are instantly revived. You are singing into an empty water bottle and tapping your hand on the steering wheel. The song instantly took all your stress away for a few minutes.
Music therapy is a healthy coping skill that can wipe away stress within seconds. This form of therapy can be a quick way to boost your mood and decrease stress in your life. There are many benefits to music therapy during recovery.
Physical Benefits of Music Therapy
For some people, recovery can sometimes seem like a scary and unknown place. Sometimes the stress you experience in recovery is enough to lower your mood and create symptoms throughout your body. For example, stress can manifest as headaches, body aches, digestive issues, and chest pain.
The physical benefits of music therapy can range from lowering your blood pressure to increasing your energy levels. Music therapy can reduce stress and lower your heart rate. Additionally, it can reduce pain throughout your body.
Mental Benefits of Music Therapy
In recovery, sometimes you are faced with the unbearable pain of actions that you engaged in while you were struggling with active addiction. No matter what you do, sometimes it is not enough. However, playing an empowering song can decrease your negative thought processes. Music gives hope and empowers the mind to think of better days ahead. When a song is played with intention, stress is reduced, and positive emotions can come to the surface.
One of the best antidotes for stress is music. Just think of a favorite song. You probably just smiled, and your stress level went down a little. If thinking of your favorite song gives your body a positive emotional reaction, just think of how your body responds to hearing a favorite song.
Music can also serve as a medium for processing difficult emotions and can be utilized in almost every context. Music therapy can be a healthy recovery tool. Music can cause you to feel positive emotions.
This tool can also be used as a distraction in recovery when cravings for your previous substance of choice surface. Sometimes out of the blue, an urge to drink or use drugs will surface. It is crucial to your recovery that you have healthy coping skills on standby.
Will This Work for Me?
If you are honest with yourself, music therapy has already worked for you in some capacity. Have you ever been to a funeral and had a song played that captured your heart? Perhaps you struggled with crying and needed a release of emotions. However, the music helped you release your emotions.
Music is everywhere, and you can create your music with just about anything. The meaning you give to the sound will determine the emotion you feel. Sounds play an important part in how we interact with our environment. People in music therapy can find ways to heal by connecting to others.
3 Main Benefits of Music Therapy
Music has many benefits, and loads of articles have been written on the benefits of music. Now that you have an idea of how music therapy can help you in your daily life, let’s explore three of its main benefits.
- Healthy coping skill: Music can be utilized as a healthy coping skill when an unpleasant memory occurs. In recovery, you are guided to identify and practice healthy coping skills. Music can distract your mind from negative thought processes and create positive thinking.
- Improves self-awareness: Sometimes, you cannot put your feelings into words, which can create frustration. Music can help you to identify and process emotions and increase insight into your behaviors.
- Improves relationships: You may struggle with building positive connections with other people now that you are in recovery. This form of therapy can provide positive social skills and help you connect with others.
Music Can Boost Your Mood
Research suggests that music can boost your mood and reduce anxiety. Music often makes us want to move. Think about a song that, when it comes on, you instantly start moving your body. When you move your body, your mind feels a sense of connection. This, in turn, promotes a positive experience for the human body.
Music can play a vital role in eliminating negative thought processes and cultivating a positive experience. This can help you reach a space of self-awareness within your recovery.
All people have different preferences in the music that they like to hear. Music is a way to show the individual side of yourself and how that aligns with your feelings. Sometimes music is just what the soul needs to revive and create a positive mental health experience during your day.
In a world of chaos, music joins everyone from everywhere together. You know the connection that music brings, whether you are at a wedding or a funeral. Every person has different tastes in music, but most humans crave the same things, including connection and happiness. Music can help you to understand yourself better and develop connections with others. You are in control of your recovery and what music you decide to play. Understanding the powerful impact that music has on your life can give you hope when you are down. At The Guest House, we understand the different notes to play in your recovery. Call us at (855) 483-7800 today for more information.