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How Do I Know if I Am Developing an Intimacy Disorder?

Intimacy is a simple word used to cover highly complex elements of the human condition. Physical, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional intimacy are just a sample of the varieties of intimacies that map our connection to other people and the world surrounding us. We all have different levels of wants and needs regarding intimacy. Regardless of those differences, we humans share the same instinctual need for connection to others on various levels. However, some of us, even those who actively desire intimacy, find ourselves unable to create or maintain intimate relationships. When that happens, it may be time to consider whether or not we are developing an intimacy disorder.

What Is an Intimacy Disorder?

Also known as avoidance anxiety, intimacy disorders can cause us to sabotage potential or already existing relationships in our lives. Avoidance anxiety can lead us to develop poor conflict resolution habits, not form meaningful relationships, or sabotage the relationships that mean the most to us.

Signs of an Intimacy Disorder

If you have a fear of intimacy, it is most likely unconscious; after all, very few people actually want to be without human connection. However, if you have a history of short relationships, if you lack confidence overall, and if you are afraid of being seen as less than perfect, you may have an intimacy disorder. The following are also indicators that you may have a fear of intimacy.

Difficulty Expressing Your Needs

Asking for what you need and want is essential to being in a meaningful relationship. Studies indicate that anxiety regarding expressing oneself is commonly associated with insecurity issues, which can prevent a person from feeling worthy of having a voice in a relationship.

Inability or Difficulty Trusting Your Partner With Important Issues 

If you feel like your issues aren’t worth bringing up or that your partner doesn’t have a place in the complexities of your life, you are wrong. Trust is essential in intimacy. If you cannot trust those closest to you, you may have avoidance anxiety.

Avoiding Physical Contact

We’re not always in the mood to be touched, but physical contact is a necessary demonstration of affection or connection to another person. If you feel uncomfortable being touched by anyone, even your partner, then you may need to ask yourself why that is.

Sabotaging Relationships

Fear of eventual loss can lead us to damage our personal lives. Oftentimes, those of us with intimacy issues will act in a way that drives those we care about the most out of our lives entirely.

The list of signs of a possible intimacy disorder is much more extensive than the ones identified above. The list of potential causes of intimacy issues is even longer. However, if you struggle with any of the criteria listed above, it may be time to explore your comfort with intimacy;  connecting with others is one of the best parts of being human.

While it may seem easy to explain away our inability to connect to others or maintain relationships, looking deep inside ourselves for an explanation might save us a lifetime of broken relationships and loss. If you feel you struggle with intimacy issues, they may have developed from various life experiences, traumas, or fears. Exploring why you may be unable to form or keep lasting relationships with the help of a professional could save you from further distancing yourself from the people who mean the most to you. Call The Guest House at (855) 483-7800 for more information.