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When healing from trauma, you may be struggling with your feelings of self-worth. Many people dealing with trauma experience shame and self-blame, which diminishes their feelings of self-worth. You can help yourself build your self-worth by trying the following activities:

Keeping Daily Promises to Yourself

    • Remember to be your best friend and to help yourself
    • You need to remember that you are worthy of your own time and promises
    • Give yourself breaks and focus on self-care activities when needed
    • When writing tasks or “to-do” lists, be sure to include time for yourself!

Saying “No” to Things We Have No Energy or Desire For

    • Learn to say “no” respectfully to requests or obligations that you have no energy or desire for
    • Be sure not to overextend yourself 
    • You may need to learn to care for your own news first before being there for others

Practice Healthy Boundaries

    • Having healthy boundaries with others can help you develop self-worth
    • When you have a feeling of self-worth, you can say “no” to others more easily and develop stronger boundaries when needed
    • You may need to develop boundaries to protect yourself from triggering people or events

Clearly Expressing Your Needs and How to Get Them Met

    • When you can clearly express your needs to others, you are showing that you value yourself
    • By knowing how to get your needs met, you can teach others how to best treat and help you
    • When you recognize your self-worth, you can feel more confident in expressing your needs

Having diminished feelings of self-worth can be common among those suffering from trauma. You were put into a dangerous, disturbing, or distressing situation and unable to break free from it. Trauma can affect how we view ourselves. We may blame ourselves for the bad events that have occurred in our lives. We may feel shame about what happened to us and shame about our own feelings. You can regain your self-worth by working daily at these activities. Remember to practice making daily promises to yourself, learn to say “no” to others, develop healthy boundaries, and learn to express your needs. If you are struggling with your daily life and with managing your emotions, you may need a more supportive environment to focus on recovery. The Guest House is here to help. Call us at (855) 483-7800 to get started in your recovery today. Hope and help are available for you.