Talk therapy can be applied following a traumatic event through different disciplines. Called “debriefings”, these therapy approaches generally include a thorough dialogue to check in, get details, and touch base with the emotions of those who have personally witnessed the trauma.
The World Health Organization explains that “Psychological debriefing should not be used for people exposed recently to a traumatic event as an intervention to reduce the risk of posttraumatic stress, anxiety or depressive symptoms.” Strongly recommended, WHO emphasizes leaving time between an event and trying to get those who have witnessed the event to talk about it.
Though the World Health Organization points out that the quantity of evidence against debriefing strategies is low, there is evidence available. A few different studies have been conducted to find that immediate verbal intervention after a recent exposure to a traumatic event can slow down recovery. An instantaneous relief might be present due to the interaction with another human being and receiving empathetic support from someone. Shortly after the occurrence of a traumatic event, an individual is like unable to fully comprehend and articulate the event. Research indicates that psychological debriefing could be a deterrent in the recovery process and slow the process of healing.
How one responds and reacts to trauma is unique to who they are. Likewise, how one will heal and recover from trauma is also distinct. Individualized treatment should be a priority in any approach to treating any kind of trauma. Applying one method of healing that works for one individual could be devastating, triggering, or ineffective to another. “Talking it out” after a trauma with attempts to outline the event, talk about thoughts or feelings, and get into vivid descriptions leaves out important factors.
Trauma and the response to trauma can be affected by:
Existing mental health issuesExisting substance abuse issuesCurrent stressors in personal lifeIndividual coping mechanismsSocial relationships, romantic relationships, familial relationships
Supporting someone after trauma
If you or your loved one have recently experienced trauma, one of the best approaches is to provide nonverbal support. Be surrounded by those who are caring and compassionate with the comforts that bring safety and security. Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop post-traumatic stress disorder. Stay observant of troubling signs of emotional, mental, or physical distress. Should you find that coping with trauma has become unbearable, do not be afraid. There is help. There is hope. You do not have to live in the pain.
At The Guest House in Ocala Florida you can bravely walk through your trauma and watch your life transform as you heal your soul-wounds and learn how to thrive in life.
Call us today for information on our residential programs for trauma and addiction: 1-855-483-7800