Learning to manage your stress while in recovery is an essential skill. Stress is something that can negatively impact your life both physically and mentally. You have worked hard to achieve a sober lifestyle. Taking proper precautions to ensure that sobriety is necessary.
Recovery is a lifelong process. It is a journey that requires you to keep growing and learning skills constantly. As you change, so will your recovery. You may get a new job, start a new family, or venture on other journeys that can cause stress.
Your stress level can significantly impact your mental health and well-being. Being able to manage stress in a healthy way is essential. If you are struggling to manage your stress, reach out to your therapist or other mental health professionals for support. As you begin your journey of learning how to manage your stress better, here are a few tips to keep in mind.
Acknowledge Your Feelings
If stress is beginning to consume you, try to hit the pause button. Other than the stress, what are you feeling? Who is involved? If you can pinpoint what emotions are involved, it can help you to learn where to start to work through those feelings.
Mental health issues can often seem complex. If you are struggling to understand your feelings, know that you are not alone. Work with a mental health professional to work on labeling what you are feeling.
Use Coping Skills
You have learned many coping skills. While in treatment, you spent a lot of time and energy determining which skills would benefit you the most. Sometimes, you might feel frightened or unsure when it comes time to use the skills you have learned and talked about in treatment. Those are normal feelings.
Work on using the skills you learned exactly how you planned to use them. If one coping skill does not seem to be helping you, then try a different one.
Having specific coping mechanisms to help with stress is a skill that everyone needs. Everyone experiences stress at one point in life or another. While everyone experiences stress differently and on various levels, having a plan for tough days is a good idea for everyone.
Seek Support
Stay connected to your support. That support may look like family, friends, or mental health professionals. Stress can significantly impact lives in a negative way and put immense strain and pressure on your sobriety and mental health. Having a solid support system can help you to work through those stressful times.
A support system can make you feel less alone. When we are surrounded by people who are supporting and caring, it can make working through challenging emotions less intense.
If you are struggling to build a solid support group, try to work on forming new friendships within the recovery community. Those in recovery will understand what you are going through and will be able to offer support.
Analyze Your Lifestyle
Almost everyone experiences stress on some level. For many, stress is temporary and does not affect daily life; for others, stress becomes intense and impacts everyday situations and relationships.
If the stress in your life feels like it is beginning to consume you, then take a moment and look at your lifestyle. What areas of your life appear to be causing you the highest levels of stress? Is your stress surrounded by certain people or situations?
Recovery is full of ups and downs. Learning to navigate the life around you is essential for maintaining your sobriety and emotional well-being. If you struggle with stress, work on changing your lifestyle.
You don’t need to feel stressed and overwhelmed constantly. If you are struggling to know what to change or work on, then that is the perfect time to reach out for professional support.
Participate in Calming Activities
Stress is a powerful thing. It can easily consume your life and well-being if you let it. If you are struggling to work through your stress or cannot change certain stressful aspects of your life, try out activities that can help you relax or work through stress.
Many people find that exercise releases stress. Exercise may include running, lifting weights, taking walks, or going on hikes. For some, exercise gives the mind something else to focus on.
Others may find activities such as yoga and meditation to be helpful. Yoga and meditation will help you to center your mind and body and learn to breathe in a manner that enables you to let go of intense emotions.
Stress is a powerful thing. It has the ability to consume your life if left alone. If you are struggling with stress in your life, it is essential to try to understand that stress better so that it does not impact your recovery and sobriety. Try to acknowledge your feelings and pinpoint where your stress is coming from. Some people benefit from changing lifestyles and participating in calming activities. Try out different coping skills until you find one that works best for your situation. Removing stress from your life is essential but can be very challenging. At times it can even be hard to fully understand where your stress is coming from. Here at The Guest House, we have experience helping people navigate the challenges and struggles that come along with sobriety. Call us today at (855) 483-7800 to learn more about how we can support you on your journey.