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Meaningful Support and Guidance Following Treatment

One of the hardest things to do is recognize that you need a change and take the first step. You did that when you decided to seek treatment for your addiction. Now that you have successfully completed treatment, you may find yourself thinking about your life in recovery and how to navigate through that life with meaningful support and guidance. At this time of your life, it is easy to be caught up in the future with all of its uncertainties.

With each opportunity that presents itself, you have a chance to grow. You choose how you grow and how to engage on your own terms. You learned that you are resilient and stronger than you imagined.

Although each person’s path in recovery is different, everyone can benefit from having a healthy support system in the early stages of recovery. The support will increase your chances of achieving your goals. This article will explain the importance of establishing a supportive foundation in your recovery and what you can do to be the best version of yourself.

Different Supports

You’ve made it this far and accomplished your goals during treatment. Now you are ready to establish healthy support to aid your recovery. Finding positive support is essential for long-lasting recovery. There are several options, which include support groups, therapy, and maybe even volunteering.

Other options would be getting involved in church or a group that focuses on a hobby. You might join a choir or a running club, for example. Any activity that you enjoy can give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment and encourage a positive mindset. In addition, a hobby fills the time you used to spend abusing your substance of choice.

12-Step Programs

The 12-Step programs originated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). However, many other meetings stemmed from AA, including Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Cocaine Anonymous (CA). These meetings focus on being powerless over addiction and relying on a higher power to maintain sobriety. These groups offer accountability and celebrate milestones within your recovery journey, like your Sober Birthday.

Recovery support meetings are great options for individuals interested in meeting with a group of people with similar struggles and goals. These programs can provide meaningful support throughout your recovery, and 12-Step meetings are available worldwide. No matter where you are in your recovery journey, you will be welcomed with open arms and a supportive network of people.

Individual Therapy

Meeting with a therapist can help you recognize areas of your life that you would like to change. A therapist will guide you to be the best version of yourself from an objective point of view. You will be held accountable and work with your therapist to set goals for yourself.

Individual therapy will help you to reach your goals on your terms. You will have a private session where you can share whatever is on your mind behind closed doors. The therapist will provide encouragement and unconditional support.

Volunteer in Your Community

There are many opportunities in your community to volunteer. When thinking of somewhere to spend your time, try to be in a space that gives you a sense of purpose and has personal meaning for you. This can cultivate positivity within your daily routine. You will feel better that you were able to give back.

Medical Check-Ups

Quite possibly, the last thing on your mind when in active addiction was going to the doctor. One of the benefits of getting a routine check-up is to make sure that your body is in good working order. You spend 24/7 in your body, and just as a car needs routine inspection, so do you.

Knowing that your body is in good shape can reduce overall stress in your life. High stress levels in your life can lead to sleep problems, so if you struggle to sleep, it may be time for a check-up.

Find Hobbies

A hobby can be anything that you enjoy doing outside of your daily responsibilities. When engaged in a hobby, you are under no pressure to perform. You are maintaining a state of positivity. Additionally, hobbies can decrease stress in your daily life.

Hobbies give you something to talk about among your peers. Just think of the holiday dinner — no one is talking, and you start discussing your new hobby. This adds a layer to who you are in your new life.

Set Boundaries

When thinking about support and guidance, it is imperative to focus on your boundaries. You are in a different space in your life and have completed all the work that it took to get here. You must create personal boundaries to protect yourself and your sobriety.

This is an exciting time to get to know the new version of you. However, you need to maintain boundaries in all relationships to be true to your recovery. For example, schedule time during your day to focus on a hobby or attend a support group meeting. Establishing healthy boundaries is key to stability in recovery and will help you become the person you have always wanted to be.

You have completed treatment and are now looking for support and guidance. You have connections and supportive people in your life; however, you may still feel frightened. This is perfectly normal. At The Guest House, a trauma-specific treatment center in Central Florida, we realize that following treatment, you have a new life ahead of you. While beginning a new life is wonderful, it can also seem overwhelming at times. In light of this, we offer an Alumni Program available to people after they have completed treatment. Our program will always provide unconditional love and support as you move forward on your recovery journey. Call us at (855) 483-7800 to learn more.